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Iran: The Daily Show Tribute (Persian and English Versions)

Iran: To Its People, To The Future (A Daily Show Tribute)
Iran: For Those Still Detained (A Daily Show Tribute)
The Latest from Iran (17 October): Back to Semi-Normal

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In June, just before the election, The Daily Show --- the best satirical "news" programme on television --- sent correspondent Jason Jones to Iran. The five reports that followed, airing the week after the Presidential vote and amidst the first mass demonstrations, were enlightening and poignant as well as humourous. Jones interviewed three people who would soon be in detention (two of them still are): former Vice President Mohammad Ali Abtahi, Ebrahim Yazdi, and journalist Maziar Bahari. He met Iranians in the shopping malls, on the street, and in their homes, discovering that they were far from the enemies of "The Great Satan". And he and his producer returned to the US studio with this remarkable discussion, now translated into Persian, with Jon Stewart.

(Ironically, because of copyright issues, the original English-language videos from The Daily Show cannot be viewed outside the US. So, after the Farsi version, we've posted the "behind the scenes" English-language video on the making of the programmes.)

Daily Show Travels to Iran - (Farsi Translated version) from sahar sarshar on Vimeo.

Daily Show Goes to Iran from sahar sarshar on Vimeo.

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    EA WorldView - Archives: October 2009 - Iran: The Daily Show Tribute (Persian and English Versions)

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