Iran Document: Karroubi Strongly Criticises Head of Guardian Council (29 July)

In the name of God,
Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, Head of the Guardian Council and Friday Prayer Imam of Tehran
According to the news and reports published by some news agencies and news websites, recently you had an extensive political speech at Qom’s Jamkaran Mosque for the celebration of the birthday of Imam Mehdi [Shia’s "hidden" 12th Imam]. In the worst manner, you abused the pure and devoted religious gathering of Muslims who had gathered in that place only, because of their beliefs, to show respect to and ask for help from Imam Mehdi. Relying on the power and assumed immunity from liability for what you make up, you stated some imaginary unproven and divisive remarks and added the fuel of hatred and discord on the fire of difference you have started.
Among these repetitive shabby and outdated false allegations and rumours of yours against Imam Khomeini’s friends and the defenders of the people’s fundamental rights and all the noble people and freedom seekers, what was new was that you said: “I have acquired a document that [shows] the Americans have paid $1 billion to the “heads of the conspiracy" [the Iranian opposition] via Saudi people who are currently agents of the United States in the region’s countries. These Saudis, who were speaking on behalf of the United States, told [them] if you manage to overthrow the establishment, we will pay you up to another $50 billion, but God put out this “conspiracy” with the hands of his pure believers.”
Mr. Jannati, what you call “conspiracy” was the election that, as usual, was engineered by you and the intelligence rooms guiding those like you in the Guardian Council and Interior Ministry to provide what was favoured by those who engineered this election. But despite the expectation and unlike the norm (and God is the best planner), the plan of yours and other power grabbers was not successful and the salty stew you cooked up and was hastily
fed to the nation made them angry and [this] interrupted your show election.
So you and the other designers and engineers of the election scenario, with disbelief and despite the empty claim of abiding to people’s votes, repressed people’s protest in the most extreme and most brutal way possible. And then, at the height of your fear from people’s anger, you posed victoriously and, to complete your projects, staged show trials to quiet the remnants of any objective voice, putting the silence seal on the land of dead that you had dreamed of in your mind. This method of alleging and giving out sentences has unfortunately been the method based on which, for years, many of
the pure children of this nation have been denied their rights, such as electing or being elected because their qualifications have also been rejected based on these types of reports.
However, after more than a year from what has happened [since the election], you still are having nightmares from what you have done and the response you have received, and you are constantly trying to find a pretext so that the outcome of the fantasy that you made up and the lies you
created would become smooth for you.
Mr. Jannati, in the lexicon you created following the Presidential elections you called those “conspirators” who are the majority of the Iranian nation and are considered leaders for them (I bet Mehdi Karroubi is one of them). But in the same lexicon, which fortunately was defined correctly by the nation, some have become well-known for their hypocrisy, trickery, shams, killing, abuse of religion, and deceit of faith. Undoubtedly, no doubt if
you are not one of the obvious examples of them, you are indeed someone who made this path clear for them to achieve their goals.
If I am a conspirator because I object [to the Presidential election], then you are a partner of those who stole this nation’s vote and are disloyal to the nation because the footsteps of your foolish acts are evident in the events that have happened both before and after the election. Unfortunately, in every case you stood against the people and took side with the violent and oppressive movement.
This time for the false accusations you made against those who you call “the heads of the conspiracy”, claiming that they have received money from
Saudis to topple the system, first of all I will file charges against you to the Islamic Republic’s judiciary, although I have no hope that this will be processed. Secondly I write this letter so that you realise that I am protesting to your remarks. I ask you here to reveal any reason, document, and
evidence you have, otherwise I will unveil your growing lies and scandals publicly everywhere and by any means possible.
In conclusion, I remind you that you are at the end of the path that is called life and whatever you have done, if it has been done for the love of this world and its possessions, then you have definitely achieved it....
Mr. Jannati, history repeats itself and it is incumbent upon the politicians to learn from it. You certainly remember that after the uprising of Khordad 15 [5 June 1963] and the arrest of Imam [Khomeini] and a group of great [religious] scholars and many of the people and the butchering of the nation by the government’s soldiers and thugs in various cities, the Shah’s regime announced that they have arrested someone named “Jo Jo” at [Tehran's] Mehrabad airport who had brought two million tomans for Imam Khomeini to use for rioting against the regime.
The planners and scene-writers affiliated with the deceased Shah seemed experienced enough that, when they created a lie, they at least made it plausible for some of the people. Unfortunately you and your friends or, better said, your sources, when you create a lie, it is implausible and unacceptable. I seek refuge to God from the injustice that the government’s religious instructors and preachers have done and continue to do to the real and oppressed clergymen and the true preachers of Islam and Shia.
You also seek refuge to God and fear for your afterlife. Ask God for forgiveness and ask the great nation of Iran for mercy. There is hope that people and the almighty God may forgive your sins.
So learn a lesson, you insightful ones (from the Holy Quran)
Mehdi Karroubi
Mordad 7, 1389 6 (29 July 2010)