The Latest from Iran (8 January): Karroubi Under Attack

1725 GMT: Modifying Motahari. Amidst a rush of news, I was excessive in reporting that principlist Ali Motahari had declared in an interview (see 1140 GMT) that an Iranian can be against the concept of Supreme Leadership but remain within the framework of the Islamic Republic.
An EA reader offers this clarification, "Motahari, remarking that one of the roots of the post-election events is the lack of tolerance for opposition to the government and to fundamentalists, said, 'When the leaders of the protesters accept the system [of the Islamic Republic], we cannot call them the pawns of America and Israel. They also accept the Supreme Leadership. Now, while they may not accept a particular opinion of the Supreme Leader, that doesn\'t take them outside of the system.'"
1720 GMT: Apologies for the long break, which was due to conference duties here in Beirut.
1140 GMT: Another Principlist Move For Compromise? High-profile MP Ali Motahari has reportedly been speaking in the last 24 hours of the need for acceptance of criticism: "We have to accept that one can be against Supreme Leadership but within framework of regime."
Calling for honesty, justice, and integrity, Motahari asks why President Ahmadinejad cannot admit mistakes and ask for forgiveness. He blames post-election events on stubbornness of both sides, saying that all have their share of blame.
1130 GMT: Rah-e-Sabz claims that, in recent days, eye witnesses to the running-over of protestors by police cars during the Ashura demonstrations have been identified and arrested.
1045 GMT: The Karroubi Story. Saham News is updating....
As we reported last night, the reported group of 200 around the home of Hojetoleslam Ghavami, where Karroubi was staying for a mourning ceremony, attacked the residence with stones and bricks. City officials and even the provincial governor tried to stop the assault but were unsuccessful. After four hours and the advice of "special forces" (possibly his State-appointed security detail) and anti-riot police, Karoubi decided to leave Qazvin for Tehran.
As the car was leaving the complex, shots were fired at it, breaking the supposedly bullet-proof windows. Karroubi said that there was not much his protection team could do; firing back in defence would have led to their prosecution. He added that only God knows why the guns that are supposed to be used only to defend the nation and the country are used against the people.
1035 GMT: Gunfire at Karroubi. Associated Press, France 24, and the leading activist site A Street Journalist, all apparently drawing information from the website connected to Mehdi Karroubi, report that the cleric's motorcade was fired upon as it left Qazvin, northwest of Tehran, today.
Yesterday the home where Karroubi was staying was attacked by a group, reportedly 200 people in plainclothes.
0855 GMT: Where's Mahmoud? Still travelling --- after his visits to Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, President Ahmadinejad was in Bahrain yesterday, declaring, "Vigilance, unity and cooperation of the Muslim nations will foil the enemies' conspiracies and those who sow the seeds of discord among Muslims and Islamic states are either ignorant or traitors."
NEW Iran: Four Responses to the “Wrong Questions” of the Leveretts (Lucas)
NEW Iran: “What is This Opposition?” Right Answers to Wrong Questions (Shahryar)
Iran: The “10 Demands” Manifesto – Soroush Speaks
Iran & Twitter 101: Getting The Facts Right — A Response to Will Heaven
Iran & Twitter 101: Rereading A Tale of Two Twitterers
Latest from Iran (7 January): Radio Silence?
0840 GMT: Releases. The son of Ayatollah Jalaleddin Taheri and the brother and nephew of former minister Abdollah Nouri, both detained during the protests around the death of Grand Ayatollah Montazeri and Ashura, have been released.
0830 GMT: Illegitimate Prayers. Ayatollah Ali Mohammad Dastgheib has declared that any religious services in the Qoba Mosque of Shiraz are invalid. Dastgheib was effectively silenced by the regime at the end of his December when pro-Government groups took over the mosque and closed the cleric's offices.
0825 GMT: We've posted a second analysis, complement that of Josh Shahryar, responding to the recent challenge to name the "leader" and declare the objectives of the Iranian opposition movements.
0620 GMT: Trashing Neda. Iranian state media is making another push to turn the killing of Neda Agha Soltan into an act in a foreign plot for regime change.
A new documentary for Iranian television, summarised in a Press TV video, made Neda both a participant and then the sacrifice of the evil scheme: she allegedly threw imitation blood onto her face as part of a faked shoot to discredit the security forces, but she was later slain by the two men who claim to have saved her live: her music teacher and Dr Arash Hejazi.
Hejazi has responded in an interview that this is a "shameless and worthless" attempt to shift blame from security forces by a regime which "has been doing everything it can to distance itself from Neda's death and throw responsibility on others".
0515 GMT: We begin this morning with a special analysis by Josh Shahryar, taking care of the wrong questions about "the opposition". As that opposition considers next moves, bits and pieces are now emerging from the relative political quiet.
The Government continues to link the political, legal, and military efforts to crush the Green movement. Days after the head of Iran's judiciary, Sadegh Larijani, declared that all judges must be political, he reached out to the armed forces for his deputy, Brigadier General Mohammad Baqer Zolqadr.
An EA reader informs us that Dr. Yadollah Eslami, an ophtalmologist and editor-in-chief of the League of All-Term Majlis Deputies, was arrested last Monday by the Revolutionary Guard. His detention is a reminder of the answers that can be given to the "wrong questions" of those who desire to dismiss or distort the opposition; in October Eslami wrote:
The green movement is dynamic and growing. By not reacting immediately and prematurely to events and statements, the movement fosters deliberation and wisdom. Its decision-making on any given issue or occasion is an organized process, which seeks to share information and raise awareness. It has a specific goal in mind with every step it takes. It has spawned its own literature, poetry, and music. It has avoided blind violence and proved itself patient and deliberate. This movement’s dynamism and bold approach gave hope to all sectors of Iranian society. It has established a meaningful relationship with religious and ethnic minorities. It recognizes and respects all regional groups and their values. It creates and disseminates its slogans appropriately and in proportional response to prevalent needs.