Haiti: Josh Shahryar's Humanitarian LiveBlog (20/21 January)

Another urgent request for help from three orphanages in Port-au-Prince within a mile of Port-au-Prince. Joanne Stocker of Help Haiti Heal has updates on both:
The orphanages are Foyer Notre Dame Nativite in Fonta Mara Orphanage, Foyer Notre Dame Nativite in Fonta Mara Orphanage and Foyer des Filles de Dieu Orphanage (Home for the Girls of God). If you have any means of getting these children out of harms way and providing them with more supplies, please do so.
Haiti: Josh Shahryar’s News LiveBlog (20/21 January)
(This request is especially intended for the US troops who’ve been helping out greatly with the search and rescue efforts, as well as other relief efforts inside the Haitian Capital.)
If you would like to help – and it would be greatly appreciated – please check the full information on these orphanages by CLICK HERE or contacting Joanne of Help Haiti Heal.
Please help if you can – at least 55 little girls have already died in these orphanages in the past few days.
0600 GMT
Six planes carrying vital medical supplies belonging to Doctors Without Borders (MSF) have been re-routed to the Dominican Republic from Port-au-Prince Airport. These planes were carrying 85 tonnes of supplies badly needed in Haiti to help with the efforts of MSF’s medical staff to treat injured and sick Haitians. MSF has a video report.
0523 GMT
As the scope of the calamity in Haiti became clearer every day, the American people stepped up to the challenge by getting involved both financially and physically to help the people of Haiti. One of these was by making donations through text-messages. One of these was texting “Haiti” to 90999. The US Department of State’s official blog DipNote has an update on this story that gives us all hope:
n January 20, 2010, the text “Haiti” to “90999” campaign passed the $25 million mark. This is the largest mobile donation campaign to date and a true testament of the generosity of the American people. On behalf of everyone at the State Department, we thank you for your contributions.
Within hours of the earthquake, the Department helped launch this mobile fund-raising initiative in partnership with the American Red Cross, Mobile Accord and the mGive Foundation. Donations will appear on customers’ monthly bills or be debited from a prepaid account balance, and 100 percent of the proceeds from this campaign support Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti. As a friend, a partner, and a supporter, the United States will continue to assist the people and government of Haiti in every way we can. This is a long-term commitment that will extend beyond the current emergency.
More ways you can help: Clinton Bush Haiti Fund
More about the crisis and how you can help:
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