Iran Advice Video: Palin to Obama "Bomb and You Get Re-Elected"

Not sure if this qualifies for Sunday Funnies/Sunday Horror Show:
Clear your head of all pre-conceptions about Ms Sarah Palin, former Vice Presidential candidate for the Republicans, to get your head about this: she is so keen on war against Iran that she is handing out this advice to ensure the re-election of the man who defeated her in the 2008 campaign and who still, as far as I know, is the leader of the opposing party.
And before you single out Ms Palin for your reaction, remember that she is only parroting advice handed out by self-styled "experts" like Daniel Pipes and Bret Stephens of The Wall Street Journal last week:
Clear your head of all pre-conceptions about Ms Sarah Palin, former Vice Presidential candidate for the Republicans, to get your head about this: she is so keen on war against Iran that she is handing out this advice to ensure the re-election of the man who defeated her in the 2008 campaign and who still, as far as I know, is the leader of the opposing party.
And before you single out Ms Palin for your reaction, remember that she is only parroting advice handed out by self-styled "experts" like Daniel Pipes and Bret Stephens of The Wall Street Journal last week: