Iran Advice Video: Palin to Obama "Bomb and You Get Re-Elected"

Not sure if this qualifies for Sunday Funnies/Sunday Horror Show:
Clear your head of all pre-conceptions about Ms Sarah Palin, former Vice Presidential candidate for the Republicans, to get your head about this: she is so keen on war against Iran that she is handing out this advice to ensure the re-election of the man who defeated her in the 2008 campaign and who still, as far as I know, is the leader of the opposing party.
And before you single out Ms Palin for your reaction, remember that she is only parroting advice handed out by self-styled "experts" like Daniel Pipes and Bret Stephens of The Wall Street Journal last week:
Clear your head of all pre-conceptions about Ms Sarah Palin, former Vice Presidential candidate for the Republicans, to get your head about this: she is so keen on war against Iran that she is handing out this advice to ensure the re-election of the man who defeated her in the 2008 campaign and who still, as far as I know, is the leader of the opposing party.
And before you single out Ms Palin for your reaction, remember that she is only parroting advice handed out by self-styled "experts" like Daniel Pipes and Bret Stephens of The Wall Street Journal last week:
Reader Comments (19)
Don't encourage her (Palin), -She's a serial liar. If you ppl on EA were doing your job (fact checking), you'd know that. here is more proof on sarah palin lies ==> Sarah Palin Caught Reading Her Speech Off Her Hand | Oliver Willis
A bunch of degenerate bigots n racists.No wonder Sarah Palin feels right at home there in nashville
if sarah palin loved america she would not have quit her alaskan post as governor..she is a sore loser its all written over her face
sarah palin has been a "sore loser" ever since her and mccain lost the election in 2008 who said many time he wants to bomb iran , i think obama is handling iran very well
sarah palin wont run in 2012 im waiting for her next interview with katie couric,maybe katie will ask sarah some more history questions
Obama is a constitutional law professor.He went on to earn his law degree from Harvard in 1991, where he became the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review~ barack obama is a very intelligent man~
Sarah cannot even name ONE supreme-court case besides Roe v Wade. That is the extent of her knowledge of American History. She does'nt even know WORLD history! She does'nt even know why there is a North and South Korea!
We learned our lesson after Bush: we need a SMART, educated leader. Why do republicans worship stupidity as a virtue tea bagger are so pathetic,all they do is say "no" to everything
JibJab made quite a different prediction for 2012 two years ago:
If what she has said had any weight, she would have been vice president of USA !!
Exactly Ange . . . and I for one am extremely thankful that she's not:-)
In the immortal words of Andy Samberg impersonating Rahm Emanuel on SNL :
"You f**king harpy."
"Why don't you stick to collecting checks for your stupid Tea Party speeches you half a f**king politician?"
"Go back to the tundra you f**king gimmick! "
Being a Liberal Republican and hearing statements like this really get me wondering. I am really starting to believe the Republican voter base is largely comprised of:
For those scratching their head just visit the site and all will make sense. I have to admit with deep sham I think most of relatives down in Kentucky, who wear T Shirts Nukem Till They Glow, probably agree with Palin. Oh by they way my relatives did say Palin was spotted giving out sacks of potatoes recently!!
I am forced to protest in the name of the IRI! Giving out sacks of potatoes is it's invention, and it has the copyright on it. Again the best ideas of this Holy Republic are stolen by Western oppressors! Ahmadinejad will sue Palin in front of the International Copyright Commission, wait and see...
U know what? She cannot even say the country's name correctly she says: "I-Ran" may be she should run faster!!! if you know what I mean. And of course she wants Obama to support Israel. What did you expect? Republicans suck big time.....
Sigh. I really don't care for all of the Palin bashing. It just goes without saying how ignorant she is.. This is why she's been appointed to Fox networks, so she and O'Reilly can make the company millions through retarded, fear-mongering statements like the above.
Personally I prefer Matt Damon's pre-election commentary on the matter:
Oh ok no embedding. The url then:
Bravo!!! Maybe we can have one of those celebrity death matches and let Palin and Ahmandinejad fight it out in the ring. Frankly considering how small he is Palin may stand a chance!!!! God if we could only send all the nut bags to Mars and be done with them.
I watched her at the Tea Party Convention, and all she did was regurgitate standard rightwing talking points. She also made gratuitous jabs at the President, one about his being a "professor of law" as opposed to being the Commander in Chief that he is. She revealed her disdain of higher education, as well as making fun of him for using teleprompters. After the spectacle she showed of having notes written on her hand like a grade-schooler, she is in no position to talk about anyone. And anyone who advocates declaring war on Iran
is positively stark raving mad.
What's scary are the people who are actually foolish enough to envision her as presidential material. What they fail to realize is that Palin is an opportunist and a self-promoter first and foremost. With all the gaffes she makes, why would anyone take her seriously? If she ever got elected, this country could forget about being taken seriously again.
Oh ye with your heads in the sand. You are totally clueless as to what is really going on in this country. I pray that someone other than Obama is elected in 2012. Being educated does not mean that you use good judgment or COMMON SENSE. Talking with our enemies all "buddy-buddy" is about as fruitless as dog poop. Try listening to both sides of the story and surely, if you have any common sense, you will understand what is going on.
If you do your homework on prerevisionist history, you would learn that the engine that generated the most powerful and benevolent nation in the world is the free enterprise system built on the freedom of the individual as guaranteed by the Constitution and its preamble the Declaration of Independence which afforded the individual the right to responsibly achieve without restriction. Who could ask for any form of government better than that? All these two documets allow the federal government is the defense of this country against enemies foreign and domestic.
Looks like the domestic enemies are here and prevalent. Sarah Palin understands this. These enemies are either lackies of left wing education that has invaded our educational institutions via the progressive gradual precepts of the Cloward/Piven theory which is designed to bankrupt the country through maximizing the number of people placed on government welfare.
In other words, eventually all people will be placed on the dole. All resisters will be removed from the roles and disappear into the dust. This is known in fruitcake parlance as levelling the playing field and all will be happy in the utopia of mediocre existence. All achievement will be as dictated by the state and those who try to rise above this mediocre existence will mowed back to the level of their fellow man by the benevolent state lawnmower. And guess who will be in charge? The Cloward /Piven bunch who will be comfortable as long as they bow the knee to Baal. Welcome to the sea of well groomed grass. You better hope it's marijauna. You won't be allowed to practice your pseudo intellectualism there. All because you were unknowing dupes in support of a movement you know nothing about or never took the time out of your leisurely existence to find out about.