Rabble-Rouser on Fire: Glenn Beck, Tom Paine, and Obama's Pearl Harbor/9-11 Fascism

All of us at Enduring America are currently captivated by the comedy-horror of Fox News's Glenn Beck as he calls for a revolution void of thought, sense, and sensibility. Last Wednesday, as "Barack Obama", he pretended to douse a Fox staffer in gasoline/petrol and set him on fire:
As appalling as that was, my colleagues think Beck exceeded himself in bat-shit craziness two days later in the video below.
Beck claimed to be the great-great-grandson of the American philosopher Tom Paine. "Tom" then magically appeared, not to recite his own words from Common Sense, but to mouth Beck's uncommon nonsense comparing Obama's economic programme to the evils of Pearl Harbor and 9/11:
As appalling as that was, my colleagues think Beck exceeded himself in bat-shit craziness two days later in the video below.
Beck claimed to be the great-great-grandson of the American philosopher Tom Paine. "Tom" then magically appeared, not to recite his own words from Common Sense, but to mouth Beck's uncommon nonsense comparing Obama's economic programme to the evils of Pearl Harbor and 9/11:
Your complacency will only aid and abet our national suicide. Remember, they wouldn't dare bomb Pearl Harbor, but they did. They wouldn't dare drive two planes into the World Trade Center, but they did. They wouldn't dare pilot a plane through the most sophisticated air defenses in the world and crash into the Pentagon, but they did. They wouldn't dare pass the largest spending bill in history, in open defiance of the will of the people.