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Entries in Glenn Beck (4)


Meet Your Next President of Texas: Mr Chuck Norris

chuck-norrisYes, folks, you read that right. Get excited: when Texas declares independence from the liberally decadent United States, its first leader will be the star of Missing in Action, Delta Force, Chuck Norris Meets the Martians, and, of course, Walker: Texas Ranger.

A poll by Research 2000 this week found that Republicans in Texas are now evenly split on "independence", with 48 percent favouring secession from the US and 48 percent opposing. Weak-kneed Democrats pull the overall figure for independence down to 35 percent, but we're sure Mr Norris's support for secession, backed by a few well-placed kicks, will start changing minds.

Norris launched his Presidential bid in March on the highly-esteemed political talk show, The Glenn Beck Program. After plugging his new book, Black Belt Patriotism: How to Reawaken America, and declaring, "Jack Bauer would last 5 seconds against Walker", Norris declared:
We could break off from the union if we wanted to....I may run for president of Texas.

Norris says that the remark was initially a "quip", but a week later, he got serious:
From the East Coast to the "Left Coast," America seems to be moving further and further from its founders' vision and government....[But] anyone who has been around Texas for any length of time knows exactly what we'd do if the going got rough in America. Let there be no doubt about that. As Sam Houston once said, "Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may."

So how about a President Norris? The mega-superstar writes, "That need may be a reality sooner than we think."

And for you liberals/radicals/socialists who don't think this is a serious prospect, you might not only wake up to an independent Texas but one on your doorstep, kicking your butts for Norris's "second American Revolution". Let me just remind of the title of Chuck's 1985 blockbuster:

Invasion USA

Rabble-Rouser on Fire: Glenn Beck, Tom Paine, and Obama's Pearl Harbor/9-11 Fascism

All of us at Enduring America are currently captivated by the comedy-horror of Fox News's Glenn Beck as he calls for a revolution void of thought, sense, and sensibility. Last Wednesday, as "Barack Obama", he pretended to douse a Fox staffer in gasoline/petrol and set him on fire:


As appalling as that was, my colleagues think Beck exceeded himself in bat-shit craziness two days later in the video below.

Beck claimed to be the great-great-grandson of the American philosopher Tom Paine. "Tom" then magically appeared, not to recite his own words from Common Sense, but to mouth Beck's uncommon nonsense comparing Obama's economic programme to the evils of Pearl Harbor and 9/11:

Your complacency will only aid and abet our national suicide. Remember, they wouldn't dare bomb Pearl Harbor, but they did. They wouldn't dare drive two planes into the World Trade Center, but they did. They wouldn't dare pilot a plane through the most sophisticated air defenses in the world and crash into the Pentagon, but they did. They wouldn't dare pass the largest spending bill in history, in open defiance of the will of the people.


Here Comes The Obama Dictatorship....

Jon Stewart to Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann, Mark Levin, Andrew "Potato Day" Breitbart....

"I think you might be confusing tyranny with losing."

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
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Stephen Colbert: Why Glenn Beck Should Lead Our Revolution

You might think that Glenn Beck, shouting and crying his way to prominence on Fox "News" in the US, is a headcase. You might be laughing at his Comrade Update, which we noted last month. You might consider him crass for claims that Obama liberalism was responsible for the recent mass shooting in Alabama. You might conclude that, with his warnings of the Obama Apocalypse and call for a citizens' revolution, he is a ranting demagogue.

You are wrong. Very, very wrong. Stephen Colbert explains why: