The Battle Continues: CNN, Enduring America, and the Iraqi Shoe-Thrower

CNN v. Enduring America: Let Battle Begin
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Enduring America ($0/story) has taken a great interest in the case of Muntazer al-Zaidi since he was arrested and beaten last December for throwing his shoes at George W. Bush. Yesterday, when al-Zaidi was released, he claimed that he was tortured in detention, including electrical shocks and waterboarding (see Ali Yenidunya's story this morning). So we were more than intrigued yesterday when Mr Jim Clancy, who apparently is a Very Important Anchorman with CNN International ($199/story), decided to address this sensitive topic via Twitter:
@clancycnn (15 Sept 1343 GMT): Clancy File Question of the Day: The Shoe Thrower: Hero or Hooligan? Send your thoughts EARLY and we'll read them out on the air.
@clancycnn (15 Sept 1812 GMT) : Some great, and FUNNY tweets today on the shoe thrower! Thanks to all...there were so many good ones!
@ScottLucasUK (15 Sept 1817 GMT): Because being beaten and jailed is a real hoot....
@clancycnn (15 Sept 1924 GMT): I don't have to agree with a point of view to appreciate it. Laughter is medicine and the shoe thrower might agree.
@ScottLucasUK (15 Sept 1933 GMT): He's giggling most about the waterboarding....
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@clancycnn (15 Sept 1343 GMT): Clancy File Question of the Day: The Shoe Thrower: Hero or Hooligan? Send your thoughts EARLY and we'll read them out on the air.
@clancycnn (15 Sept 1812 GMT) : Some great, and FUNNY tweets today on the shoe thrower! Thanks to all...there were so many good ones!
@ScottLucasUK (15 Sept 1817 GMT): Because being beaten and jailed is a real hoot....
@clancycnn (15 Sept 1924 GMT): I don't have to agree with a point of view to appreciate it. Laughter is medicine and the shoe thrower might agree.
@ScottLucasUK (15 Sept 1933 GMT): He's giggling most about the waterboarding....
Enduring America,
Jim Clancy,
Muntazer al-Zaidi,
Scott Lucas in
Journalism & Media,