Qods Day: Enduring America's Coverage

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Tomorrow, on Qods (Jerusalem) Day in Iran, Enduring America will combine the best of all-day news coverage with quick, sharp analysis. EA's Mr Smith will provide live analysis during the speech of President Ahmadinejad and the Friday Prayer of Ahmad Khatami. (We may also have almost-live translation.) Scott Lucas will be on March Watch and will also be reading the political developments, supported by EA's Chris Emery and correspondents in Iran, Europe, and North America. We'll also be gathering the best information from news outlets, the Web, Twitter, private sources, and our readers, and we'll be linking up with some of the best blogs on Iran on the Internet..
Coverage starts at 0600 GMT (9:30 a.m. Tehran time).
Buy Us A Cup of Coffee? Help Enduring America Expand Its Coverage and Analysis

Coverage starts at 0600 GMT (9:30 a.m. Tehran time).