Iran: English Translation of Judiciary Report on Karroubi Allegations

Iran: The Karroubi Letter to The Iranian People, Part 1 (14 September)
The Latest from Iran (14 September): Countdown to Friday
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We reported yesterday on the damning response of the three-member panel (Deputy Head of Judiciary Ebrahim Raeesi, Attorney General Gholam-Hosein Mohsen Ejeie, and President of the Presidential Body of the Judiciary Ali Khalaf) to the allegations of detainee abuse brought by Mehdi Karroubi. Evan Siegel of Iran Rises has translated and posted the report.
The conclusion? "Not only is there no evidence indicating the rape, as claimed by Mr. Karoubi, and the claims raised are without documentation and empty of truth, but the claims and documents presented are all forgeries and assembled to deceive public opinion."
His Eminence Ayatollah Larijani (May his lengthy grandeur increase!)
Honorable President of the Judiciary
In the aftermath of Mr. Mehdi Karoubi’s sending a letter to Your Excellency alleging the persecution and rape of some persons arrested during the riots of the recent months and the forwarding of this letter to the Tribunal for earnest pursuit and it hereby announces its findings:
After the arrival of Karoubi’s letter, he was immediately summoned to come before the Attorney General to be present at the Tribunal to present explanations and submit documents concerning the claims.
Mr. Karoubi was present at the appointed time at the Tribunal at the Attorney General and then he answered the question of the whereabouts of his claims and documents concerning the rape of some persons arrested in the recent riots as follows:
I have heard matters in this regard and as a result of pressure and psychological discomfort, wrote a letter to Mr. Hashemi Rafsanjani. After ten days, I posted it on a website and published it.
In response to the question, “Who were the people whom you had in mind and how did you pursue this issue?” he replied:
Mr. Karoubi was then asked, “On what day and in which riot was A Sh arrested?”
Mr. Karoubi replied, “I do not know. I did not ask. But he was not arrested during a demonstration or a clash.” He said that she was alone on Jordan Street and three people put him in a car and carried him off.
* A third person who did not claim that she was raped. “I did not see her and have only heard about her from people connected with the National Trust Party and Mr. Mir Hosein Mousavi. This individual, for her part, was not in a demonstration or a clash, but said that several people had arrested her and subjected her to such severe beatings that her head and face and many of her limbs were l wounded. Her family photographed her and all her limbs and I [Karoubi] have presented a copy of these pictures to you.”
* Ms. M A
This lady was introduced to me by members of the NTP and I spoke to her. She made no claim to having been raped, but said that from the first day of her arrest, they carried her off to the Intelligence [?] Administration and there, subject to beatings and insults and when she responded, they tore off her clothes and put their hands on her body.
* Someone else, named S[aideh] P[uraqayi]
This lady was the son of a martyr and several members of her family had been martyred and were supporters [presumably referring to the family] of Mr. Mousavi who would call out “Allahu akbar” at night with her mother. They came and arrested her in her home and then subjected her to a beating and, after several days, secretly buried her, while the lower part of her body was burned with acid. Some of Mr. Mir Hosein’s people went to her home and I have heard that Mr. Mir Hosein Mousavi participated in the funeral ceremony, and it was agreed that I would go to their home, but did not have the opportunity, but my son searched for them.
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The Latest from Iran (14 September): Countdown to Friday
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The conclusion? "Not only is there no evidence indicating the rape, as claimed by Mr. Karoubi, and the claims raised are without documentation and empty of truth, but the claims and documents presented are all forgeries and assembled to deceive public opinion."
His Eminence Ayatollah Larijani (May his lengthy grandeur increase!)
Honorable President of the Judiciary
In the aftermath of Mr. Mehdi Karoubi’s sending a letter to Your Excellency alleging the persecution and rape of some persons arrested during the riots of the recent months and the forwarding of this letter to the Tribunal for earnest pursuit and it hereby announces its findings:
After the arrival of Karoubi’s letter, he was immediately summoned to come before the Attorney General to be present at the Tribunal to present explanations and submit documents concerning the claims.
Mr. Karoubi was present at the appointed time at the Tribunal at the Attorney General and then he answered the question of the whereabouts of his claims and documents concerning the rape of some persons arrested in the recent riots as follows:
I have heard matters in this regard and as a result of pressure and psychological discomfort, wrote a letter to Mr. Hashemi Rafsanjani. After ten days, I posted it on a website and published it.
In response to the question, “Who were the people whom you had in mind and how did you pursue this issue?” he replied:
1. Taraneh Mousavi
I have not seen Taraneh Mousavi or the members of her family, but have heard from people connected with Mr. Mir Hosein Mousavi and the members of a committee that Mr. Mousavi and I had formed,2 and I had no certainty but went purely by what I had heard, and have no documentation in this regard.
2. A Sh
At first, I had heard from members of our party, the National Trust Party, that this individual had said that three people had put me in a car and took me to another neighborhood. There, there were other people who blindfolded me so I could not see anyone and recognize anyone, and subject to repeated beatings. I was raped as I stood with my hands tied behind my backs and hung from the ceiling so that my feet barely touched the ground. I called this person and heard his statement and then one of the members of the National Trust Party put his statement on a CD, a copy of which I turned over to you.
Mr. Karoubi was then asked, “On what day and in which riot was A Sh arrested?”
Mr. Karoubi replied, “I do not know. I did not ask. But he was not arrested during a demonstration or a clash.” He said that she was alone on Jordan Street and three people put him in a car and carried him off.
* A third person who did not claim that she was raped. “I did not see her and have only heard about her from people connected with the National Trust Party and Mr. Mir Hosein Mousavi. This individual, for her part, was not in a demonstration or a clash, but said that several people had arrested her and subjected her to such severe beatings that her head and face and many of her limbs were l wounded. Her family photographed her and all her limbs and I [Karoubi] have presented a copy of these pictures to you.”
* Ms. M A
This lady was introduced to me by members of the NTP and I spoke to her. She made no claim to having been raped, but said that from the first day of her arrest, they carried her off to the Intelligence [?] Administration and there, subject to beatings and insults and when she responded, they tore off her clothes and put their hands on her body.
* Someone else, named S[aideh] P[uraqayi]
This lady was the son of a martyr and several members of her family had been martyred and were supporters [presumably referring to the family] of Mr. Mousavi who would call out “Allahu akbar” at night with her mother. They came and arrested her in her home and then subjected her to a beating and, after several days, secretly buried her, while the lower part of her body was burned with acid. Some of Mr. Mir Hosein’s people went to her home and I have heard that Mr. Mir Hosein Mousavi participated in the funeral ceremony, and it was agreed that I would go to their home, but did not have the opportunity, but my son searched for them.
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Reader Comments (6)
Personally, I do not believe a word of this report. Karroubi wimping around about his evidence? No way. What was it 'Indiana Jones' said long ago as he watched the WWII enemy at work? I think he said, "I really hate those guys." Well, the feeling is a natural.
Well Karroubi has been spouting so many lies recently (about the abuses being comparable to Israeli abuses of Palestinians and about Imam Khomeini supporting the liberal reformists if he were alive today) that it is very difficult to say when he is telling the truth. He is proving to be as unstable as Montazeri was 2 decades ago when Imam Khomeini insulted him and dismissed him.
They are trying to frame the opposition and humiliate them. I would not be surprised if they make up documents to say CIA were involved. I think the raids of the offices were because damning evidence was found and they want to hide this. I do not for one second believe that karroubi lied. They frist tried to cover up some deaths and said it was die to meningitis but were found out because one younster who was tortured to death was the son of an important government official and he demanded an autopsy. He died due to beatings to the head. People have gone missing, tortured and raped, and the latter are at renewed risk because they now know who complained about abuse. Everyone knew that this "investigation" would be a whitewash. This is a corrupt regime.
@ ZG Well put, as to what I feel is true in this matter. To me, Samuel's reaction shows that with some the regime is able to reach its aim of disinformation.
Why are you so blind for not seeing what the Iranian regime are doing to its own people? Dont tell me all those videos on Youtube and other websites are fake. Those basijis and police shooting, beating and arresting those peaceful protesters. When they lied how many protesters have died and missing. When they arrest and tortured those students. When they raided the students dormitories and offices of the opposition and arrest them. Trying to blame other countries for their own wrongdoing. The show trial where the detainees are forced to confess something to descredit the opposition. Its pretty obvious that they tried desperately to hide something. What else you want to know before you stop supporting this murderous regime?
I always knew the "investigation" (ah ah!) would end like that and I suppose Karroubi knew it even better than anyone else; he pushed his claims because it was a way for keeping the detainees abuse in the news; it's a tactic for not being silenced completely.