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Obama's Latest Bow: Not a Secret Muslim, Just a Pigeon in Japan

Enduring America regrets that it has to bring the sad news that the US President has once more bowed down to a foreign, unelected ruler.

Readers may recall that, when Obama lowered himself in a meeting with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia earlier this year, our favourite on-line encyclopedia of eternal truth (and no liberal lies), Conservapedia, were a bit slow off the mark to portray Obama as a "secret Muslim".

So would they do any better on Saturday when President Barack Obama genuflected before Japan's Emperor Akihito?


Yes! Conservapedia made amends for their past delinquency, calling Obama's gesture a "bowfest" and posting a YouTube video showing that he "bobbed his head like a pigeon!":


Kudos to the right-wing defenders of all things encyclopedic if sad news, indeed, to see such abasement of the Leader of the Free World.

Still....better a pigeon than a secret Muslim?


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