Iran Document & Analysis: US Gov't Statement on Sanctions, Nukes, & Human Rights

The first two paragraphs are the expected language on containing Iran's nuclear programme, but the third paragraph shifts the discussion to Tehran's approach to the rights of its citizens. We noted two weeks ago, on the anniversary of Iran's Presidential elections that the Obama and Clinton declarations were the most forthright to date on rights, with the Secretary of State calling for the release of all political prisoners (and naming some of them). Yesterday's declaration continues that trend.
But what does it mean in practice, as opposed to rhetoric?
The Latest from Iran (26 June): Absolute Security?
Passage of Iran Sanctions Legislation
I join President Obama in welcoming Congressional passage of legislation to strengthen sanctions against Iran. We support the broad aims of HR 2194, the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010 — constraining Iran’s nuclear program, changing the calculus of Iran’s leaders, and demonstrating that Iran’s policies decrease its standing, and further isolate it in the international community. We are committed to fully implementing this legislation in a manner that advances our multilateral dual-track strategy of engagement and pressure.
These new measures, along with action by the European Union and Australia, build on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929 and underscore the resolve of the international community to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and to hold it accountable for its international obligations. The United States will work with our partners to maximize the impact of these efforts and to continue pursuing a diplomatic resolution to the international community’s concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear program.
In addition to increasing pressure on Iran’s illicit nuclear activities, this legislation also addressed the Iranian government’s continued violation of the fundamental rights of its citizens. A year after the Iranian people took to the streets to protest an election, the leadership continues to violate its most fundamental duties of government, denying its people the right to speak freely, to assemble without fear, and to the equal administration of justice. We support the Congress’ efforts to call attention to these violations, and the United States will continue to hold Iran accountable for its obligations to respect the rights of its own people.