Iran's New Guidance: Good, Good Lovin' (But Only at Night)

May we humbly suggest a reconsideration and a bit of "Afternoon Delight"?
A bit of a setback for Iranian men (and for Iranian women? Read on and decide)....
After Iran's Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance had improved the look of its male population through prescription of the "right" haircuts (think 1980s, like the style worn by men's men and international singing sensation Wham! --- photo at left), the Government has taken away some of the rewards.
A minister in the Ahmadinejad Government said this week that "matrimonial intercourse" must only take place at special hours during the night to ensure healthy children.
Some in the audience were reportedly "embarrassed" and "surprised", given that the minister's expertise consisted of university study in Industrial Engineering and a Master's degree in Mathematics.
Still, the sexual calculus of the Iran Government means no more Afternoon Delight (cue cheesy 1970s song):

Afternoon Delight,
Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi,
Wham! in
Middle East & Iran