Today on EA - Tuesday 19 January 2010

We have two special "breaking" analyses, evaluating the Supreme Leader's latest speech as a challenge to Hashemi Rafsanjani and the detentions of key aides to Mir Hossein Mousavi.
On the advice of an EA reader Scott Lucas took a "reality check" on the Regime's position in Iran and concluded: Yep, They're Still in Trouble.
Haiti: The most recent posts from Josh Shahryar's Humanitarian Liveblog on the Haitian crisis can be read here and those from his News Liveblog here.
Israel/Turkey: Following Israel's Defense Minister Barak's visit to Ankara, Foreign Minister D-G Yossi Gal will today hold official strategic dialogue meetings with Turkish officials,
Israel/Gaza: Tzipi Livni appeared on CNN's Amanpour on Monday. She said she would travel to Europe "For Israeli Soldiers" - despite the possibility of arrest. We have a transcript of the interview and will try to post the video later.
Ehud Barak,
Josh Shahryar,
Scott Lucas,
Tzipi Livni,
Yossi Gal in

Reader Comments (2)
Wow! A political earthquake in Massachusetts here in the U.S. A Republican wins the senate seat held by democrates for 50 years. Both Obama and Clinton (Former President) campaigned for the democratic candidate. I understand Iranians unhappy with Obama policy toward Iran voted for Republican candidate.
Thanks for that
This is "Democracy in action". A political party, which has held Office in a State for a LONG time, is defeated in an election. The people have decided it is time for them to go. And the beauty of a mature Democracy is that the defeated do go. They do not go happily - they say nice things, but underneath they are not happy. But they abide by the people's decision (until the next time comes around) :)