Iran Document: Resignation Letter of Diplomat in Japan "Join the People"

With respect,
Today, we have all heard about the Supreme Council of National Security`s statement on the Kahrizak scandal. The statement addresses crimes that Ayatollah Montazeri spent an entire lifetime to expose. We in the foreign affairs ministry failed to listen and the Almighty humiliated these criminals by forcing them to publish their own statement of humiliation. Ayatollah Montazeri had to go through a lifetime of detention and accusations to allow blind people like us see what has been exposed by this statement. But instead, we heard criminals accuse Ayatollah Montazeri, and we laughed about it.
The Latest from Iran (28 January): Trouble Brewing
Dear Colleagues,
After the release of the statement on the Kahrizak scandal, we must concede that we have served a lifetime defending a regime that has killed and tortured innocent people. We knew about these atrocities more than anybody else. We have not forgotten that in Khatami’s term, Mr. Ali Akbar Yasaghi, the head of the Prisons Organization, admitted that 100 detention centers were not under our supervision. Mr. Shahroodi ordered the illegal prisons to come under the supervision of the Prisons Organizations. Has the order of Mr. Shahroodi been executed?We have all read the secret report of Hojat ol Eslam Abasali Alizadeh, the head of the Justice Ministry in Khatami’s time. He wrote on the illegal prisons, the killing of innocent girls and boys in prisons, the ‘circle murders’ in Kerman and Karaj, and the ‘chain murders’ in Tehran. Additionally, we all witnessed his dismissal by the Supreme Leader the day following [the release of the report].
Dear Colleagues,
Oppressed people like Ayatollah Montazeri had to go through a lifetime of suppression. We observed these crimes and excused them. We lived in residences payed by the dollars of the same people who were killed. Yet, we hugged and kissed our children in our wealthy households. We boasted to foreigners about a Saadi poem inscribed in the United Nations building: “One Limb impacted is sufficient.” We boasted that Imam Ali cried when a Jewish women was humiliated. We boasted that it is our religious duty to disclaim tyranny and to take the side of the oppressed. Now that the Supreme Council for National Security has confirmed the killings of youth under torture, have we forgotten all of that?
How many verses of the Prophet and Imams did we memorize about justice and oppression?
“If one sharpens the pen of an oppressor, he shares the oppression.”
“If one gives a bit of silk for an oppressor to use in his ink, he shares the oppression.”
We prayed, we fasted, and we went to Hajj, only to be paid for it by the government. If we had not prayed, we would not get our jobs. We would not be secretaries and ambassadors.
Is fighting the tyrant only part of our religion when it comes to Mecca demonstrations? Why did we forget it when our own people were killed?
Dear Colleagues,
We were naive to think that God almighty would not distinguish between us and Ayatollah Montazeri. Montazeri was truly a “Montazer” (waiting) for a lifetime. He waited for the Supreme Council of Security to declare the humiliation of the Yazid regime. He waited for truth to be obvious to everybody. Now we have no reason to remain in Yazid’s regime.
We, ambassadors, consulates, and staff of foreign affairs were among the founding columns of a regime that detained Montazeri and killed his supporters under torture. If we are guilty today, we cannot ask him to forgive us. He is in the heavens with his beloved and we are still on the payroll of a bloodthirsty regime.
I am begging you to come to your senses. There is still a way out. God is our greatest saviour.
Abolfazl Eslami
Reader Comments (6)
Respect to mr. Eslami, never to late to do the right thing. I like that he is not focusing on the 2009 election fraud or the post-election violence. The failure of this regime is a sum of failures during the last 30 years. I hope others will join mr. Eslami and mr. Heidari.
He purchased back his honor. Iranians need million more of Mr. Eslami.
People in the government are now starting to open their eyes and do the right thing. This regime who blatantly violates their own constitution in every aspect have no right to remain in power. It's only a matter of time now that this government will be isolated. People on board is now starting to jump off ship.
All respect to an upright person with backbone.He would have been tempted to go against his conscience and be comfortable and secure. Bravo that he had the willpower to overcome the temptation and even burn his bridges behind him.
There is a purity in such actions - where one avoids being tainted by "thirty pieces of silver". It is people like this that any new free government should employ.
May people of Iran find their, and only their, way through this situation. This man put a lot of issues on table at once. It seems like he was tormented by internal conflicts. May peace, love and grace divine be upon him. Those who focus only to the current crisis should realize and keep in mind that the main issue here is the new Iranian identity. On various levels. The discussion is very important because we all search examples of an Islamic society that interacts with the global community. We need the Iranian contribution. Is democratic governance a cultural (christian more or less) characteristic of the western world? Is Islam by its nature authoritarian or non-democratic? We still have difficulties to answer, I think... There is hope in Iran's struggle. For everyone. (what are the " ‘circle murders’ in Kerman and Karaj "?)
To be honest. How nice! Very good, and we share information! Too amazing things. Thank you for your masterpiece, worth reading. gczkvp gczkvp - North Face Parka.