Haiti: Josh Shahryar's Humanitarian LiveBlog (18/19 January)

0837 GMT
The people of Gaza held a fundraiser for the people of Haiti today. They are sending, money, medicine, blankets and other supplies. Hopefully, Israel will help in getting these supplies to Haiti. (The report is from Press TV in Iran.)
0800 GMT
As people in Haiti continue to hastily bury victims of the earthquake for fear of health risks, BBC reports on the myths and realities of the supposed health risk and the emotional trauma hasty burials will cause the family of the victims:
“There is this myth that bodies have to be disposed of incredibly quickly, which often leads to bodies being shoved into pits without any form of identification,” Sir Nicholas Young, British Red Cross chief executive and a trustee of the main fundraising group, the Disasters Emergency Committee, told the BBC. “[This makes it] impossible for the relatives to grieve. Impossible to know how many people died and impossible for people to identify their relatives. This is a terrible shame.
“The risk is absolutely minimal, unless there is disease in the population. This is a mistake and a waste of resources.” The charity has its own guidelines on cadaver management for disaster zones and signs up to 2009 advice from the Pan American branch of the World Health Organisations – Management of Dead Bodies After Disasters: A Field Manual for First Responders.
You can access the field manual on the Red Cross’ website by CLICK HERE.
0735 GMT
NEW UPDATE on this situation. Shaun King’s people are reportedly going to make a visit there tomorrow. (Thank you for the compassion!)
Foyer de Sion Orphanage in Port-au-Prince is running out of water and in desperate need of it, according to one twitterer who is in touch with them. If you know someone who can get water to their facilities, please get in touch with twitter user robinbauer. They had earlier received some aid from the LDS church:
With gratitude we are glad to announce that food, water and medical supplies arrived from the LDS church and the children are receiving it. Praise God!. Prayers precede miracles and we thank you for your prayers. Satisfied tummies tonight.
Thanks for everyone’s support. Still much to be done. In the meantime please help with our Haiti Relief Fund. http://www.foyerdesion.org/donations-GiftsOfHope.php We are finding ways to get that help to Guesno.
0650 GMT
Convoy of Hope has released a new report explaining Haitians immediate needs and what they have done so far:
Food supplies are running low in Haiti and show no signs of improving anytime soon. But even when food is available—as it is in limited amounts on some street corners from vendors—many families simply do not have the cash to pay for it. “My house is damaged, I need food, but I have no money to buy it,” says Ralph, a twenty-something-year-old who could be speaking for tens of thousands of hungry Haitians.
“The situation regarding food and water remains dire,” says Kevin Rose, Haiti director for Convoy of Hope. “The lack of fuel and security issues has made it very difficult to move food around the city. But through our network of partners we are getting food into some of the most desperate places.” Rose says the food being distributed to earthquake victims is inventory from Convoy of Hope’s warehouse that is used to feed 7,000 children each day who are a part of Convoy of Hope’s feeding initiative in Haiti.
“That supply will last 10 to 14 more days,” admits Rose. “So, we need to replenish the warehouse as fast as we can to ensure that we can keep feeding the children in our program while also continuing to provide food for those who are suffering from the earthquake.” Hundreds of desperate Haitians are in line waiting for food at Quisqueya Chapel—Convoy of Hope’s main distribution point in Port-au-Prince. Yesterday, the Convoy of Hope team distributed 100,000 meals here and at five other distribution points.
“Having partners like Haiti 1, the national Assemblies of God church and Mission of Hope has allowed us access to parts of the city we could have never gotten into,” says Paul Coroleuski, Convoy of Hope’s director of field services who is in Haiti. “Without our partners we would be like many other relief organizations who have food and supplies in country but are facing enormous logistical and security problems getting those items distributed.”
You can help Convoy of Hope help more Haitians by CLICKING HERE and donating.
0539 GMT
Pastor Jean Romain of Good Shepherd’s Love Orphanage located on 15 October Blvd, Tabarre Haiti Goureau in Delmas – Port-au-Prince has sent a call for help. There are children and other survivors there in immediate need of assistance and supplies. If you have a way of getting medical supplies, food and water to these people, please get in touch with Pastor Romain by calling 011-509-3462-0624 or 011-509-3874-5726 or emailing jeanromain56@yahoo.fr.
Please hurry, time is of the essence.
0529 GMT
Thanks to your generous donations, Mercy Corps was able to raise more money through Western Union for Haiti. They blog:
Over the holiday weekend, the Western Union Foundation gave us $50,000 to match donations to our Haiti Earthquake Fund. We finished the challenge on Martin Luther King Day. Thanks to everyone who gave through Twitter and helped us finish the match.
(Thank you, citizens of earth!)
0508 GMT
Hospice Saint Josesph also have a new update on their medical work in Haiti. Though they are not an organization as large as the Red Cross, CARE International or MSF, they are still doing what they can to help Haitians – because life matters. You can read there update by clicking here or visit their website by clicking here.
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