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Entries in Israel (345)


Israel-Palestine Video: Hillary Clinton's Meeting With Israeli President Peres (15 September)

CLINTON: There will always be obstacles and setbacks, it is a given. It is always easier to defer or criticise top decisions than to make them. it is always easier to sit on the sidelines than to roll up your sleeves. It is always easier to doubt than to trust. President Peres has never been one to sit on sidelines and thankfully we know Prime minister Netanyahu, a leader who understands how important it is to move forward, as he has said we also have a Palestinian President who shares that determination.

I have sat with these two men individually and together. I have listened to them, talked candidly and forcefully. They are getting down to business. They have begun to grapple with the core issues that can only be resolved through face to face negotiations. I believe they are serious about reaching an agreement that results in two states living side by side in peace and security. That outcome is not only in the interest of both Israelis and Palestinians, it is in the interest of United States and people everywhere. This is the time and these are the leaders....

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Israel-Palestine Analysis: How Long Can Ramallah Demand a Freeze on Settlements?

At the end of the second round of direct Israel-Palestine talks, we have been bombarded with statements from various actors.

Beyond the rather anodyne declarations is this looming date: on 26 September, Israel's 10-month moratorium on construction in the West Bank expires.

It is unlikely, however, that Damocles' sword will be held over West Jerusalem. Instead, as we pass 26 September without resolution, the Palestinians are likely to face this choice: compromise on the settlements or be labelled as "rejectionists", if not by Obama's representatives then by the Israelis with whom they are supposed to find an agreement.

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Video and Transcript: Obama Envoy George Mitchell on Israeli-Palestinian Talks (14 September)

MR. MITCHELL: Today’s meeting lasted about one hour and forty minutes. The meeting involved Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Abbas, Secretary of State Clinton, and myself. We all are grateful to President Mubarak, to Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit, and to the Egyptian Government for their courtesy and hospitality in arranging these meetings and for their continued strong support for President Obama’s vision of comprehensive peace in the Middle East. The day began with President Mubarak hosting separate bilateral meetings with Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Abbas, and Secretary Clinton. The Secretary also met bilaterally with the Israeli and Palestinian leaders. This was followed by the multilateral meeting, which I’ve just described. And as soon as I complete this briefing, I will attend with the other leaders a lunch hosted by President Mubarak for all of the participants.

Today, the parties have begun a serious discussion on core issues. President Abbas and Prime Minister Netanyahu also reiterated their intent to approach these negotiations in good faith and with a seriousness of purpose.

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Video and Transcript: US State Department on Israeli-Palestinian Talks (14 September)

QUESTION: Envoy Mitchell told reporters today that we are making progress. How substantive is this progress? How is it different, let’s say, from two weeks ago? And what was discussed as first item on the agenda? Was it the settlement or the Jewishness of the state?

STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESMAN P.J. CROWLEY: I had the opportunity to converse with the team this morning. I think we would characterize the discussions today as serious and direct discussions on the core issues. Those discussions will continue tomorrow.

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Israel-Palestine: Time to Move Beyond a US-Centred Approach (Freeman)

On 1 September, Charles Freeman --- former State Department and Defense Department official, US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, and nominee in 2009 to head the National Intelligence Council --- delivered this speech to the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs....

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