Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Decimating Homs

The shelling and smoke in Bab Amr in Homs this morning
See also Syria Video Feature: How Can You Get News Out of the Country? br>
Syria Video Special: The Shelling of Homs, Days 5 and 6 br>
Wednesday's Bahrain, Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Shutting Out the Journalists
2110 GMT: Mazhar Tayyara, a freelance journalist working for several major European news agencies has been killed during the military attack on Homs, Syria:
Tayyara was a freelance journalist who was hired as a stringer for the Agence France-Presse and also who provided video footage for The Guardian and the Die Wilt in Germany.
Apparently Tayyara was trying to help some wounded people get to cover when a second volley of shells fell and he was hit by shrapnel in several parts of his body. He died several hours later in hospital.