Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Decimating Homs

The shelling and smoke in Bab Amr in Homs this morning
See also Syria Video Feature: How Can You Get News Out of the Country? br>
Syria Video Special: The Shelling of Homs, Days 5 and 6 br>
Wednesday's Bahrain, Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Shutting Out the Journalists
2110 GMT: Mazhar Tayyara, a freelance journalist working for several major European news agencies has been killed during the military attack on Homs, Syria:
Tayyara was a freelance journalist who was hired as a stringer for the Agence France-Presse and also who provided video footage for The Guardian and the Die Wilt in Germany.
Apparently Tayyara was trying to help some wounded people get to cover when a second volley of shells fell and he was hit by shrapnel in several parts of his body. He died several hours later in hospital.
2105 GMT: Bahrain - Multiple sources have now reported that a large military presence is building up in what protesters call "Martyr Square," the former location of the Pearl Roundabout. Multiple sources have also forwarded us this video, which reportedly shows the troops moving into the square.
With the anniversary of the start of the uprising next week, the theory is that the military will occupy the square in order to prevent the opposition from staging large rallies there.
2055 GMT: Al Jazeera reports that the US, it's European allies, and some Arab states are preparing for the first meeting of the "Friends of Syria," a group designed to isolate and pressure the Assad regime into ceasing the killing of civilians:
The State Department said on Thursday that its top Mideast envoy has been dispatched to Morocco, France and Bahrain to help put the meeting together, determine the group's membership and mandate. The Arab League is expected to announce the meeting as early as this weekend.
Morocco sponsored the UN Security Council resolution calling for Assad to step down that Russia and China vetoed. France, along with Turkey, has offered to host the Friends of Syria meeting.
2050 GMT: EA has placed all of our reports from Syria today on an interactive map, which can be seen here.
View Syria 2012 Feb 9 - EA's Coverage in a larger map
2042 GMT: The LCCS reports that all power has been cut in the important Damascus suburb of Douma, and heavy gunfire has been reported in the last 30 minutes. Also, large explosions were followed by heavy security presence and many ambulances in the streets of Sanamein, in Daraa province, according to the LCCS and other activists.
2027 GMT: This video reportedly shows tanks and armored vehicles conducting an attack in Saraqeb, Idlib province, earlier today. It matches eyewitness reports that EA has been carrying since this morning:
2011 GMT: The EA crew has been busy trying to verify reports that 1 protester was shot and killed and 14 have been injured by police in the Saudi town of Qatif, a majority Shia town in the majority Sunni country. Several videos have circulated, some that show an armored vehicle in the streets amidst gunfire. In the video below, a convoy of vehicles can be seen, and a protester (in blue) falls down, perhaps shot. In one graphic video, the body of a protester lies in the street as friends try to save him. In another graphic video, a man appears to have been shot, though he is still alive.
We have some reason to be skeptical about the news. There is an obvious audio dropout in one of the videos, and in the video of the injured man he does not appear to be bleeding. However, when we raised these concerns with NPR's Ahmed al Omran, he ensured EA that the core report, that protesters were fired upon by Saudi security forces in Qatif and at least 1 person was killed, is a report that comes from credible sources.
1909 GMT: We've found two videos that were reportedly taken in Khan Skiekhoun, Idlib province, as a convoy of tanks and other armored vehicles, along with ground troops, took position in and around the city. In this first video, the tanks are positioning themselves in the countryside. In a second video, armored vehicles have taken up positions further inside the city, and the sound of distant ginfire can be heard.
1822 GMT: The latest news from the Local Coordinating Committees is that today's confirmed death toll now stands at 137:
The number of martyrs in Syria today has reached 137 so far including 11 children. 110 martyrs in the Affected city of Homs, 8 in Idlib" Jabal Zaiweh and Maarat Al-Noman" 15 in Damascus suburbs (Madaya and Zabadany), 2 from Ain Al-Arab (Kobany) in Aleppo and one in Lattakia. These numbers were reported by activists and doctors in the fields in the diefferent areas. We are not able to document the names of martyrs due to the intense shelling
Again, breaking open the numbers, the high casualty count in Homs is the obvious headline grabber, but the casualties in Zabadani and Madaya, which are still held by the Free Syrian Army, are also concerning, and the reports from Idlib suggest that the Syrian army has blitzed into several opposition strongholds today.
1611 GMT: Marking the one-year anniversary of the beginning of popular unrest in Bahrain, a leading Bahraini activist, Abdulhadi alKhawaja, has once against started a hunger strike in order to raise awareness of the political realities there and to protest against the rule of the Sunni regime.
Abdulhadi al-Khawaja was one of 14 prominent figures convicted of leading the protests who took part in an eight-day hunger strike to demand their release. Bahraini authorities said that hunger strike ended last week.
1603 GMT: The Local Coordinating Committees are already reporting that they have confirmed the death of 10 people in Zabadani and Madaya, approximately 20 miles northwest of Damascus (see the area on EA's interactive map). The Coalition of Free Damascenes for PEaceful Change has posted details of the situation in Zabadani, though this report is a few hours old:
More than 40 wounded and 4 dead due to the heavy shelling on the Zabadani area of Damascus; the city is a disaster area, more than 40 homes were destroyed.
The psychological condition of children is very bad and they continue to scream.
The Revolutionary Coordination of Zabadani launches an appeal for helping civilians: they are in need of medical supplies and all types of blood...
There is a shortage also of bread:
The CFDPC has also posted a video showing a convoy of tanks reportedly headed towards Zabadani, and this video below which shows additional shelling of the city earlier today:
1557 GMT: According to Al Jazeera, Libya has ordered the expulsion of all Syrian diplomats and has given them 72 hours to leave the country.
1532 GMT: Already, the LCCS has updated today's death toll. According to their latest, 126 have been killed today by security forces:
including 10 children. 107 martyrs in the Affected city of Homs, 6 in Idlib" Jabal Zaiweh and Maarat Al-Noman" 10 in Damascus suburbs (Madaya and Zabadany), 2 from Ain Al-Arab (Kobany) in Aleppo and one in Lattakia. These numbers were reported by activists and doctors in the fields in the diefferent areas. We are not able to document the names of martyrs due to the intense shelling
1521 GMT: This video below was posted on a Facebook page that is connected with the Zo al Norain brigade of the Free Syrian Army. It appears to show members of the FSA sneaking up on a military checkpoint (reportedly in the Bayada district of Homs), placing a bomb, and then exchanging gunfire with Syrian security forces after it goes off. Yesterday, Syrian State TV SANA reported that a "car bomb" had killed many in Bayada. Interestingly enough, however, no further details were given. Could this be the "car bomb" SANA was talking about?
It's important to note that there is no way for EA to verify the details claimed by this video.
1452 GMT: New videos give us a feeling as to the extent of the violence in Ma'arrat al Numan, in Idlib. According to many sources, the town is being "stormed" by convoys of tanks and armored-troop transports:
Amidst the heavy gunfire, tanks can be seen moving in the small gap between the two buildings:
1422 GMT: Today will be a bloody day in Syria. According to the LCCS, 105 people have already been killed by security forces across the country:
including 10 children. 93 martyrs in the Affected city of Homs, 4 in Maarat Al-Noman in Idlib, 5 in Damascus suburbs (Madaya and Zabadany), 2 from Ain Al-Arab (Kobany) in Aleppo and one in Lattakia. These numbers were reported by activists and doctors in the fields in the diefferent areas. We are not able to document the names of martyrs due to the intense shelling
This number, only 50 minutes old, is already out of date, even if we just rely on the latest reports from the LCCS. Several locations in Idlib province are under attack by security forces. The city of Saraqeb is reportedly being shelled by dozens of tanks and armored vehicles belonging to the Syrian military, Ma'arrat al Numan is once again under attack, and there are deaths reported at roadway checkpoints in Jabal al Zawiyah and Khan Skeikoun (see a map of the area).
1414 GMT: The Guardian's Martin Chulov describes Homs, Syria's 3rd largest city, as a war zone:
Much of the countryside in the lead up to Homs has been taken by the Free Syrian Army for now, and we can move around. But as we get closer to Homs there is a lot more fighting. There is gunfire all around, rockets are landing.
Casualties have been streaming out of Homs into various clinics. We've been to a clinic this morning. Four people were bought in dead another couple died when they got there.
It is very tense, there is a lot of gunfire, and there's a lot of shelling. It's two-way gunfight going on or so it would seem. There's certainly mortar fire coming in from regime forces and there seems to be some gunfire coming back. We did see a resupply [for rebels] come in of very old mortar tubes. There is some attempt to set up a defensive perimeter or a fight back. But it is by and large one sided.
Faithful EA contributor Arshama shared this video in the comments section, reportedly taken today in Homs. By daybreak, Homs was already under attack, and we have posted the best (or worst) videos from yesterday and this morning in a separate video gallery.
James Miller takes today's live coverage, with thanks to Scott Lucas for getting us started this morning.
0940 GMT: More on Saudi writer Hamza Kashgari, forced to flee the country after he posted tweets about a fictional meeting with the Prophet Mohammad (see Wednesday's Live Coverage) --- these are the offending messages:
On your birthday, I will say that I loved the rebel in you, which always inspired me. But I didn’t like the aura of holiness, I will not bless you.
On your birthday, I see you in my face everywhere I turn. I will say that I loved some things in you, hated some things, and I did not understand many other things.
On your birthday, I will not bow to you. I won’t kiss your hands. I will shake hands with you as an equal, and smile at you like you smile at me, and talk to you only as a friend, nothing more.
0925 GMT: Activists report that at least 13 people have been killed in today's shelling of Homs.
Video (Warning: Graphic) of bodies amidst the rubble of a building struck this morning:
Meanwhile, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has commented on last weekend's UN failure to agree a resolution for action, after Soviet and Chinese vetoes, "I deeply regret that the security council has been unable to speak with one clear voice to end the bloodshed. It has encouraged the Syrian government to step up its war on its own people. Thousands have been killed in cold blood, shredding President Assad's claims to speak for the Syrian people."
0725 GMT: Journalist Ben Birnbaum reports a conversation with an official from Bahrain's Information Affairs Authority about New York Times reporter Nicholas Kristof, allowed into the country in December but denied a visa this week: "Kristof joined 'riots' last time. Once a journalist like Nick Kristof joins the ranks, it encourages them."
0655 GMT: The Syrian regime's assault on Homs, the country's third-largest city, has entered a sixth day.
On Tuesday, dozens more died amidst the shelling and gunfire. The Syrian General Revolutionary Council reported that, of at least 117 killed nationwide, 93 victims were in Homs, with 52 dying in the Baba Amr district.
The ongoing destruction in Homs is only part of the story, however. The regime is also trying to regain control of other towns, such as Zabadani, less than 20 miles from Damascus.
The Local Coordinating Committees of Syria posted last night that the regime siege of Zabadani and of Madaya has killed 18 civilians, injured 100, and displaced 500. Both towns are in a complete power and communications blackout, with shortages of food including infant formula and milk.
The LCCS also says Rankous is besieged.

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