Iran: The "Reconciliation" Proposals of Karroubi's Etemade Melli Party

1. The immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners;
2. Providing an open atmosphere for the media and press, recognising criticism, offering justice in use of the national media (state-run TV and radio) for all the levels of people and different political groups;
Iran Document: Karroubi’s Open Letter for 22 Bahman (6 February)
3. Removing the obstacles against the activities of different political organisations, groups, and parties;
4. Removing the security atmosphere, the police state, and the environment of fear;
5. Removing the appointed oversight of elections (Guardian Council), holding free elections, and preventing fraud in elections;
6. Preventing [the interference of] armed forces in economic and political affairs of the country;
7. Putting an end to the shameful analogies made by some media outlets and authorities between the true owners of the revolution --- honourable veterans of the Iran-Iraq war and allies of Imam Khomeini (the Green leaders and senior reformist figures) --- with terrorists who betray their homeland and nation, and using this comparison to lay the grounds for repression. These movements do not even show respect to Imam Khomeini and, to achieve their hideous goals, distort and selectively use Imam Khomeini’s remarks so that the family of Imam Khomeini has strongly objected to this as well;
8. Following justified methods in the judiciary and holding open trials with the presence of juries when dealing with political charges, carrying all the principles of the Constitution in these cases;
9. Holding a referendum to discover the clear and lawful opinion of the nation regarding some of the most important issues of the country.
The Etemad Melli party urges Grand Ayatollahs, religious figures, scholars and intellectuals, academics, students, and all different classes of the society to have a wise presence in all aspects [of Iranian life] and, by resisting any violation of the fundamental goals of the Islamic Revolution, make the conditions suitable for resolving the current crisis and not letting the Revolution get in the hands of deceitful and untrustworthy individuals.
Reader Comments (4)
[...] 2010 von Julia Veröffentlicht auf Enduring America am 6. Februar 2010 Quelle (Englisch): Deutsche Übersetzung: Julia, bei Weiterveröffentlichung bitte Link [...]
[...] 1. Neueste Vorschläge aus Karrubis Lager: Pressefreiheit, freie Wahlen, ein repressionsfreies Regime, sagen wir doch gleich die nächste Revolution. [...]
Seems like Karroubi wanted to outdo Moussavi's interview with this brutal statement.
On the occasion of 22 Bahman appeared the impressive text ”30 years ago … “ by the Iranian Blog authoress „naj“on her website „neo resistance“ exactly one year ago.
This moving account of insurgent Iran during the days that shook the world is to be found via the link:
website: “neo-resistance”; author: “naj” – Thursday, Februar 12, 2009