Latest Iran Video: Sunday Boxing - French Police v. Iranian Ambassador (31 January)

Persian2English has an English-language summary of this incident which started when protesters gathered outside the house in Neuphle-le- Chateau where Ayatollah Khomeini stayed during 1978-9 and where Iranian officials were holding a banquet commemorating Khomeini's departure from France for Iran in 1979. It ended with the Iranian Ambassador punching a policeman and only escaping handcuffing and arrest when Embassy staff interceded.
(Hat-tip to Setareh Sabety)
(Hat-tip to Setareh Sabety)
Reader Comments (14)
I think the video is from outside the house in Neuphle-le- Chateau in which Khomeini stayed during his time in Paris in 1978-9. It is not in front of the Iranian Embassy in Paris.
And may I also say that it is tragically comic that while everywhere else in the world, the police stand guard over the public to protect officials, but when it comes to IRI, only a couple of police stand guard over the public and all the rest have to stand guard over IRI officials in order to protect the public.
I think this short video exposes the true nature of IRI. Even in Paris IR embassy officials attack peaceful protestors and French police, then IR expects us to believe that their officials do not rape people in detention, shoot protestors in the back or run over them in their cars?
The exact same thought entered my mind as I watched this video!
It was almost comic to see a few police in front of the people, not having to do anything - but the majority of the police having to hold back the thugs of the IRI.
(And for what's it worth, why should anyone have diplomatic immunity for punching a police officer!)
I don't think that particular ambassador will be joining the Norwegian and Japanese consulates . . . . .
Roe Lassie,
“I don’t think that particular ambassador will be joining the Norwegian and Japanese consulates ”
I actually think that bullies like this will change sides suddenly when they see more benefits on the other side.
Once again proves how the "intolerant" act when confronted with peacful demonstrators. Did you guys catch them throwing stuff even. It would be comedic if we didn't know what these thugs do back home to their own people. In any event a priceless video showing how the regime is so prone to exhibiting violence in the presence of disent.
The video doesn't work; it only shows a text in Persian and voices can be heard speaking Persian too.
Here is a link to France 24 who publishes an article about yesterday's incident at Neauphles lr Chateau, with the testimony of one of the protesters:
The Iranian woman says several of the protesters' families have recieved telephone calls threatening them.
It works for me, the text and voices at the beginning lasts for about a minute or so and then you get the video - it's quite powerful.
The suit guy was asked 'you are Iranian, why don't you join us? Why are they killing people?' When he didn't give a sensible answer, then they started shouting 'down with dictator'
Complete english translation
01/02/2010 / FRANCE - IRAN
The Iranian ambassador caught in a scuffle with police
FranceIranevents.Photo of Maryam Ashrafi.
The Iranian ambassador to France and his entourage were booed by Iranian dissidents Sunday. The intervention of the gendarmerie has prevented the confrontation from getting worse. The case has not been reported by Iranian media. But the incident was filmed in its entirety.
The clashes took place Sunday, when members of the Iranian Embassy, came to Neauphle-le-Château to commemorate the return of Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran in 1979, found themselves face to face with anti-government protesters . When the Iranian Ambassador Mehdi Mir Abu Talebi arrived on site, he protested to the police, who held two camps at a distance. The tension increased and many people tried to force the passage to the other party. In the scuffle, the ambassador was briefly detained by police.
Video posted on YouTube by "NedaSoltan".
Towards 06'30, ambassador protested to the police. In 06'50, one of the protesters trying to force the roadblock. In 07'35, the entourage of the Ambassador tries to force through. In 08'45, the police detain the ambassador.
Maryam Ashrafi
."I think the police understand our motives"
Maryam Ashrafi is an exiled Iranian photographer in Paris. She has participated in the demonstration on January 31.
This is the first time that we show in this special occasion. Since the presidential election in June 2009, we target all the rallies in France by the Iranian authorities. We were about fifteen people, we posted outside the house where Ayatollah Khomeini lived for 15 years and was organized as a commemoration.
The guests, some of whom arrived by bus [05'10 on the video] are in one way or another linked to the embassy. They started yelling at us and calling us spies of the Americans and British. They threatened us saying they knew perfectly well who we were and knew our families. One of them told me personally that they had pictures of me taken at events. Some protesters have received phone calls from families asking them to return because they had received telephone threats.
A show of force during events organized by the Embassy, we met with the police, with whom we often discussed to explain our approach. I think they know that members of the embassy are more violent than we are. Even if it remains neutral, I think the police understand our motives and tries to protect us.
President Sarkozy has tried to put pressure on the Iranian regime when the protests had grown in Tehran, but since he seems to have lost interest in this issue. We're obviously disappointed but not surprised. We know that the French president is already low for its own population, we expect nothing for Iran. "
Maryam Ashrafi
Thanks Roe Lassie , I just wasn't patient enough.
Great Video!
Great video!
Happy to see that these protesters were not the usual monarchists with their "Death to Islam and all Muslims" or the MKO's with the usual "doroud bar Rajavi". They got my respect.
Here is a video with the Iranian diplomat in Japan (Abolfazl Eslami), with a message to his colleagues:
Try this link from Moussavi's facebook, it works better :
Oh my god , what a shame to have this kind of ambassador ! too "classy" !! "the" right representative of IRI !! birds of a feather flock together !!
More information on homylafayettes blog:
Thanks for the translation. I think that there is an (small) error in the article, Khomeini did not live 15 years in France.
you're right: 106 days according to homylafayette.
Neda and Sorab Arabi and the other martyrs are the true embassadors of Iran
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