Iran: A Nation Of Bloggers

Posts may be thin on the ground this week so I thought I'd share this video, which is particularly pertinent in the context of a previous post on Enduring America that's still getting a lot of readers. This short video takes as its jumping off point the claim that Iran is the "third largest country of bloggers." Blogging, it argues, is a means for Iran's young people to evade state control- "a revolution within the Revolution":
I'd like to hear your thoughts.
More info here [via Boing Boing]
I'd like to hear your thoughts.
More info here [via Boing Boing]

Hossein Derakhshan,
video in
Journalism & Media

Reader Comments (2)
the analysis of the iranian blogosphere conducted at Harvard provides a parallel and interesting, (if slightly geeky) view of blogging in Iran.
Links to it and similar material can be found:
Thanks Ali, I never say no to geeky... I've bookmarked the link, will have a read when I'm slightly more awake.