Videos: Swine Flu (and The Daily Show) Bringing You "The Last 100 Days"

Related Post: Who Brought Us Swine Flu? Illegal Alien Terrorist Mexicans
Related Post: How Swine Flu Started - Nationalised Medicine, Poor People, Democrats
When all else fails in the face of farce and farcical fear, turn to The Daily Show for the way forward on swine flu, "last on the list of things that can kill you in Mexico". In the second video, John Oliver reports from the Centers for Disease Control ("there are only 40 confirmed cases in America, none of them fatal") v. Jason Jones from the Centers for Stuff I Heard from Some Guy ("the entire state of Arizona is dead"):
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Related Post: How Swine Flu Started - Nationalised Medicine, Poor People, Democrats
When all else fails in the face of farce and farcical fear, turn to The Daily Show for the way forward on swine flu, "last on the list of things that can kill you in Mexico". In the second video, John Oliver reports from the Centers for Disease Control ("there are only 40 confirmed cases in America, none of them fatal") v. Jason Jones from the Centers for Stuff I Heard from Some Guy ("the entire state of Arizona is dead"):
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The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Snoutbreak '09 - The Last 100 Days | ||||
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The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
The Last 100 Days | ||||