Middle East Inside Line: Lebanon's Jumblatt Seeking Iran Support?; Preparing for Showdown at UN

Jumblatt added: "We need anti-tank weapons and anti-aircraft weapons....Americans are not really willing to provide us with such weapons. They will tell you these weapons will be used against Israelis. OK, but my enemy is Israel."
Jumblatt called for the unity of the Arab world through dialogue between Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran, as well as between the Arab League and Iran. This unity between the Shiite and Sunni blocks could bring an end to Israel's "aggression."
Preparing for the UN Show: There have already been vehement discussions at the United Nations General Assembly in advance of next week's speeches by national leaders. Libyan diplomat Ali Treki is taking over the UNGA Presidency from Nicaraguan President Miguel d'Escoto Brockman, as it is reported that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi will attend the Assembly next week after the release of the Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi by Scottish officials.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's 23 September speech is also being discussed in diplomatic circles. The World Jewish Congress has launched a campaign on to convince leaders to boycott the address. The organization is also ciruclating a petition to the General Assembly which individuals can sign and send to UN officials.
Meanwhile, Brockman left the Presidency with a swipe at the "world powers [who] curbed him from aiding Palestinians." Brockman said, "My greatest frustration this year has been the Palestine situation," and added:
I wanted to help Palestine, but those who should supposedly have been most interested denied their support for reasons of "caution" that I was incapable of understanding.
He blamed the permanent five members of the Security Council (United States, Britain, France, China and Russia) of being "passive and apparently indifferent" on the Israeli blockade of Gaza in the past two years and called their behavior "disgraceful".