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Entries in Ha'aretz (10)


Iran's "Secret" Nuclear Plant: Israel Jumps In

NEW Iran’s Nukes: Did Gates Just Complicate the Obama Position?
The Latest from Iran (27 September): Is There a Compromise Brewing?

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adsızPerhaps the least surprising dimension of the story of the second Iranian enrichment plant has been the speed and intensity of Israeli official reactions came flat out.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told Israel Radio on Saturday:
This removes the dispute whether Iran is developing military nuclear power or not and therefore the world powers need to draw conclusions... Without a doubt it is a reactor for military purposes not peaceful purposes.

Referring to representatives of Arab countries at the UN meetings last week, Lieberman claimed:
Nobody is worried about the Palestinian problem, everybody in the Muslim and Arab world, and first and foremost in the Gulf states, are worried about the Iranian problem.

Haaretz reports that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Senators and Congress members in Saturday telephone conversations that it was the time to act to halt the Iranian nuclear program. "If not now, then when," Netanyahu reportedly said. "Action must be taken in all areas to increase pressure on Iran and impose crippling sanctions on it."

As for President Obama's engagement strategy, the Jerusalem Post quoted a senior Israeli official on "the last chance" given to Tehran by the United States, France, Britain and Germany,  "The free world has reached the last opportunity for engagement with Iran. We believe many Western countries now see that the Iranian mask is slipping." He added, however, "But we don't yet know if Russia and China understand this."

Obama-Netanyahu-Abbas: No Negotiations, Only A "Review"

ABBASNETANYAHUDespite the significant differences that have blocked any direct Israel-Palestine talks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas will hold a joint meeting with President Obama on Tusday at 11 a... at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Manhattan. At first, Obama will talk to each leader seperately and then the tripartite meeting will start.

Haaretz reports, from a source in Netanyahu's office, that it has been agreed with the U.S. administration that the meeting will not include any negotiations, with leaders merely reviewing developments.

Middle East Inside Line: Hariri Again PM-Designate in Lebanon; Israel's Roadblock "Concession"

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HARIRI2Hariri Back as Lebanon Prime Minister-Designate: Lebanese President Michel Suleiman has reappointed Saad Hariri as Prime Minister-designate for the second time, although the political deadlock between the Western-backed majority represented by Hariri and Hezbollah-led bloc has not been resolved. After meetings with lawmakers, President Suleiman acted on the basis that a majority still wanted Hariri as the new Prime Minister.

Israel Removes West Bank Roadblocks: Haaretz reports that Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has ordered troops to remove 100 roadblocks from the entrances to Palestinian villages across the West Bank. The barriers were erected after the start of sucide bombings in the Second Intifada several years ago.

Israel's gesture is a belated compromise in the wake of an unfruitful round of talks with United States on the possibility of a two-state solution. The tactical offers a "concession" which, in fact, has no political cost but a possible economic advantage by providing a relatively integrated market (including for Israeli goods) in the West Bank.

A Palestinian State: Previewing the Mitchell Talks in Israel

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palestine flag2When Salam Fayyad, the Prime Minister of the West Bank, said in August that a de facto state could be founded in two years. the first reaction came from Israeli Foreigm Minister Avigdor Lieberman : "The Palestinians’ unilateral initiatives do not contribute to a positive dialogue between the parties."

Less than a month has passed and Lieberman may count himself lucky not to be hearing his President's words as Shimon Peres tours Africa. According to Peres, Salam Fayyad is a "Palestinian [David] Ben-Gurion," the first leader of modern Israel.

Meanwhile, according to Haaretz, a senior diplomatic source said on Saturday that the proposal of the European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, for the United Nations to accept Palestine as a full member within two years, was made with the support at the highest levels of the U.S. administration. Palestinian and European Union sources told Haaretz that Israel's talks with US special envoy George Mitchell, who arrived in the country on Saturday night, will initially focus on determining the permanent border between Israel and the West Bank. Although Palestinians want to draw temporary border lines before the final agreement, a mutual determination on borders next week would constitute an "early recognition of Palestine" by Israelis.

Despite obstacles such as Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's non-negotiable position on the status of Jerusalem and on the right of return for Palestinian refugees, both sides are expected to find common ground through the exchange of land rather than a focus on the pre-1967 borders.

In the event a final agreement on the settlement freeze issue next week, a tripartite meeting is expected in New York between the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, Netanyahu, and President Obama at the UN General Assembly this month.

Middle East Inside Line: How Will Israel Receive Mitchell?

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MITCHELL NETANYAHUUS Envoy Mitchell Back to Israel: Haaretz reports that the U.S. Mideast special envoy George Mitchell will soon arrive in Israel for another round of talks on Monday on specific topics.

The first issue will be gestures from some Arab states. Mitchell has already stated, without giving any names, that there is a progress with regards to expected normalization gestures from some Arab countries. However, the Israeli side is expected to offer a "wait and see" approach, offering only a six-month freeze on settlements in exchange of for positive steps from the Arabs.

Secondly, the scope of the settlement freeze is expected to be discussed. Israel will offer to suspend the construction of private housing units but will insist on the continuation of public buildings such as classrooms, health clinics and synagogues, neutralising public opposition to a freeze.