Latest Video: Full Speech of Ahmadinejad at UN General Assembly

Here is the full speech of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the UN General Assembly:
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Reader Comments (8)
Are you trying for death by boredom and repetition!! Come on this speech's message largely does not change. Evil West blah blah your Savior is Monotheism blah blah. The only variable seems to be how much time he spends on the 'evil jooos' in Israel and whether the newest attack is coming from Zionist spy pigeons or not. I would have to be stoned(which I never have been) to even contemplate this! Just giving you some good natured ribbing. Keep up the great job on the reporitng.
Interesting development, Ahmadinejad offers to buy US uranium:§ionid=351020104
Could be they are starting to crack a bit amid the domestic issues. It would be quite an achievement if Ahmadinejad could pull off a compromise with the west over the whole nuclear issue. The regime is probably thinking correctly the don't have the resources and more importantly the political capital to fight a multi front war. The only way for them to win domestically is to start to address issues like the economy which would drastically improve if sanctions were lifted!
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Here is a pic showing far less than the 1/2 msm reported attending Ahmandienjad's speach:
In all fairness I believe Gaddafi scared off quite a few before hand.
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I'm a proud iranian... and he IS NOT my president...
The man may look like a clown but he sure speaks the truth.
We should listen to what he has to say.