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Iran Qods Day: Snap Analysis and Summary Translation of Ahmadinejad Speech

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AHMADINEJAD4Mr Smith gives a snap analysis of the President's language and strategy:

There was no mention whatsoever of internal Iranian politics or struggles, apart from the notion that the Iranian people is wholeheartedly behind the Supreme Leader [and, presumably, the Government]. Ahmadinejad's rehashed Holocaust revisionism for quite some time. I guess this was because for months he was silent on the theme.

There were more attacks on European nations, accusing them at times of complicity with the Zionists. It is interesting that, while Ahmadinejad has written off next week's demonstrations in New York when he appears at the United Nations, he is aware of them.

Summary Translation of Speech

0745 GMT: President Ahmadinejad starting his speech introducing Friday Prayers.

0755 GMT: Holocaust once again. He is asking on why research on the Holocaust has been impeded. Palestine most important problem of the world. Iraq. Afghanistan, Sudan being trampled, all due to Zionists. All imperialism due to Zionists. Why don't you allow the main reason of the Palestinian plight to be analysed?

0800 GMT: The Europeans are supporting the crimes of the Zionists and are creating anti-Jewish sentiment to further the Israeli crowds. All are for domination on the world.

We have to give rights to Indian redskins [Native Americans]. They had culture and heritage. You have encroached on them and killed millions. [Nice touch. Ahmadinejad stands alongside the first victims of "American imperialism".]

0802 GMT: We should have 72 countries in Europe. Even Russia has to be dismembered if every nation is to go independent. [Hmm....Can't see Moscow being too pleased about this.]

0807 GMT: All the bits and pieces of Israel's regime are against humanity. All of the components of Israel's government and regime have no faith against faiths of the world.

0814 GMT: EA Correspondent - "Ahmadinejad still going on in same terms about Israel."

0818 GMT: Some US, European politicians have told us, "You can shout against us, don't shout slogans against these Zionists." They will put us under pressure. Big companies in Europe, US cannot do business unless they have Zionist stakeholders. [Ahmadinejad's get-out clause for Iran's economic difficulties?]

World should know that Zionism is the best example of racism. They are people that have no respect for anything but their own. Even the US president --- should they manage it --- they will assassinate him.

0822 GMT: Iranian people are the flagbearer of everything good in the world: justice, pureness, peace and friendship. Resistance towards this [Israeli] regime is a national and global duty. The people of Iran will never put this flag down. The only route for salvation is resisting the corrupt Zionist channel in the world. You should know that, due to God's will, the final victory of the revolutionary people of the world front against Zionism is in our hands.

0824 GMT: EA Correspondent - "Chants inside Tehran Uni exclusively in line with regime. There seems to be no Green presence inside."

0826 GMT: The influence of Zionism is permeating everywhere. When they influence, they will never leave. A US professor would tell me that one of them requested to be employed after no appointments were made in the past 5-6 years. He came back to that university a few years later. The faculty was infested with Zionists.

0827 GMT: Messages to nations friendly to this [Israeli, not Iranian, I presume] regime. This regime is nearing its end. Occupation and rape are nearing their end.

You shoot a million-dollar missile towards a smaller value building in Gaza. The million-dollar part cannot emerge victorious! This regime has no future. They are building walls along themselves. We advise you: relinquish support for the Zionists. This regime is doomed, do not attach yourself to it. Even if 1000 years would pass, the nations of the region will not acknowledge this regime or recognise it.

0830 GMT: We want [Palestinian] refugees to come back and decide their own future. [But the Israelis] have built several scenarios to reduce the dimension of the Iranian people. They are rallying some people in New York. The Iranian nation shall not crush a single grain for these machinations. The Iranian people have declared that they are ready and stands by the values of its Leader. They struggle against tyrants and hold high the flag of freedom and justice and will never set it down.

0833 GMT: Ahmadinejad ends his speech.

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