CNN v. Enduring America: Let Battle Begin

The Battle Continues: CNN, Enduring America, and the Iraqi Shoe-Thrower
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Buy Us A Cup of Coffee? Help Enduring America Expand Its Coverage and Analysis

From Editor and Publisher: "The CNN Wire Store, which went up at midnight, makes its stories available to license and download for $199 per story on a single-use basis. Editors can use a credit card to complete the transaction."
From Scott Lucas of Enduring America: We're happy to do it for $69. Or $99 for two. And you can use 'em as often as you want. Heck, give 'em to your friends.
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Buy Us A Cup of Coffee? Help Enduring America Expand Its Coverage and Analysis

From Scott Lucas of Enduring America: We're happy to do it for $69. Or $99 for two. And you can use 'em as often as you want. Heck, give 'em to your friends.
Number of stories CNN Wire Store has on the Iran crisis: 0
Reader Comments (3)
Okay! So good of you, Enduring America -- what a deal, especially since your stories are generally worth 10 times anything from CNN. That is, IF they write one ... seems like they'd be embarrassed to make such an offer. Must be tough over there nowadays.
Go EA! -- grateful reader
Yeah, I've decided that every post on Read or Alive will be $50,000 for excerpts, $150,000 for the full text. Man, I'm gonna be SO RICH! ;)
Also reading this comment will cost you $200. Pay up, chumps.
Maybe this is a disguise for a CNN Stimulus Package?