Iran: The Rafsanjani Statement on Qods Day

The Latest from Iran (14 September): Countdown to Friday
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Posted by MikVerbrugge:
It has been 30 years since Free Thinkers and Enlightened Seekers of Justice followed the call of Imam Khomeini and went on the streets to protest the occupation of Jerusalem, which has become a symbol for the oppression and assault of oppressed people by an absolutely illegitimate, fraudulent, and usurping Government. They made their displeasure known in the face of the horrendous crimes and injustice of a certain minority wanting an international totality [of power]. We witness how the shouts of protest and this meaningful participation is like an earthquake shaking the web-like foundations of tyranny & oppression, healing the wounded body of noble Islam.
People in Islamic Iran and other Muslim countries of the world will be commemorating this day while the world's oppressive leaders are abusing the dispute among the Mujahidin of Islam, sinking their teeth into the dispute of the fighters of Palestine itself, by spreading religious and social discord.
God forbids us, interpreting this most important day...[and] denouncing oppression, to cause it to be forgotten in midst of these disputes. That would pour water into the mills of those who have always intended to erase this common holy place from Islam.
God willing, Your unprecedented great presence in Islamic and non-Islamic countries, in all cities and villages of our dear Iran will be shedding light on the Overlooked, who think that the passing of time has covered up the Palestine issue. And To You I Say: The Night Is Darkest Before Sunrise.
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Posted by MikVerbrugge:

People in Islamic Iran and other Muslim countries of the world will be commemorating this day while the world's oppressive leaders are abusing the dispute among the Mujahidin of Islam, sinking their teeth into the dispute of the fighters of Palestine itself, by spreading religious and social discord.
God forbids us, interpreting this most important day...[and] denouncing oppression, to cause it to be forgotten in midst of these disputes. That would pour water into the mills of those who have always intended to erase this common holy place from Islam.
God willing, Your unprecedented great presence in Islamic and non-Islamic countries, in all cities and villages of our dear Iran will be shedding light on the Overlooked, who think that the passing of time has covered up the Palestine issue. And To You I Say: The Night Is Darkest Before Sunrise.
Reader Comments (16)
My guess is that he is hoping for a massive turnout on friday to gain momentum for the Assembly of Experts meeting few days after Qods Day.
I think that's being very optimistic. But NOT implausible.
Whatdo you think he wants to do at the Assembly of Experts meeting? Pls can u clarify?
I'm assuming Jashar means that the Assembly would REMOVE Khamenei as SL.
@ ZG:
To be honest, I absolutely have no idea. But I's assume that he has a plan. Otherwise thats what I'm thinking all the time in the last 3 months. I must admit that I donT really know what the competencies of that assembly are in, specially in such a "crisis", beside toppling the supreme leader and choosing a new one. But I believe there is a reason why they meet and specially this time's meeting will be crucial; and it would be good for the movement, including Rafsanjani, if there is a huge turnout on Qods Day.
Lets wait and have a couple of tea until then.
@ Kevina
No, as you said that would be far too optimistic. I donT see Khamenei being removed that soon. We would need a miracle to see that happen in the next few weeks. Although HOPE is something good, we shouldn't wait for this, otherwise we'll find ourselves discouraged.
[...] Rafsanjani gives covert blessing for Green Protests on Qods Day One of the most powerful people in Iran, has given a covert message saying the greens should come out on Qods Day. Iran: The Rafsanjani Statement on Qods Day | Enduring America [...]
The reformists should not forget that the Basij will be marching on Qods day too.
It would be pretty nasty and less than smart to try to hijack a day deemed so special by the defenders of the Revolution and the doctrine of Imam Khomeini.
[edited by moderator]
@ samuel, the basij , the guards, and sl don`t care about the doctrine of khomeini, they`re dictators, hopefully we see millions of Iranians storming the streets and chant death to SL and death to AN
we`re decendents of Cyrus the Great....
[haleboro's comment --- referenced here --- edited by moderator]
Well thank you for stating your racism openly. While I despise racism I appreciate honesty.
I've actually noticed a fair amount of racism and chauvinism on the Iranian emigre web sites. A lot of talk about how the Islamists are forcing "arabization" on the "superior" Iranian culture and people. Being associated with the "inferior" arab culture infuriates them. Your...comment reflects this prejudice which I'm sure is shared by many opponents of the Revolution.
It would not surprise me if the Iranian exiles in Europe formed alliances with the fascist Front National in France, the racist Vlaams Blok in Belgium or the white supremacist BNP in England to keep the "Ayyrabs" out.
As always, rafsanjani's words lead to many interpretations. it depends on the mind of the reader what s/he gets out of the letter. the opposition see the letter positive to their camp, the supporters of govrnment see it as a NO to green movement for the part where he says "God forbids us, interpreting this most important day…[and] denouncing oppression, to cause it to be forgotten in midst of these disputes. That would pour water into the mills of those who have always intended to erase this common holy place from Islam." he is no trustable guy for neither group. it was him who a few weeks ago said that people should follow the words of the leader, so he is not for any sides. the only thing he is after is power, it doesn't matter to him if it's given to him by the greens or by the system
Samuel,I appreciate your appreciation of my honesty. I don`t have much love for the Arab regimes. They`ve abandoned the palestinan people, King of Saudi walked hand in hand with Bush. I`ve read alot of your posts, it seems that you embrace the Islamic republic of Iran and its policy, and whenever there is talk about the atrocities commited by the Iranian regime you simply say" the isralies do it to", so what? two wrongs make it right. I agree to some extend with you view that Iran is more liberal than most middle-eastern conuntries. Iran has democratical elements within its political system, but its far from a democracy.
let me ask you something Samuel, do you really endorse the policy of the Islamic republic of Iran?
The Holy Prophet Muhammed(PBUH) "I am an arab, an arab is not me"
Hay everyone , I think Rafsanjani reads EA Feeds & comments :
2 days ago I finished my message by "Darkest before Light " and yesterday he ended his letter with the same phrase ...... just joking of course :-) .
I do agree very much with m.
Rafsanjani is absolutely power oriented . In the 90s , when he was told by the reformist that he should learn from Shah's experience and grant more freedom to people he had replied that he precisely has learnt from Shah's experience and that is when he showed weakness , he lost the power .
Rafsanjani has surely changed, for history has thought the old fox some other lessons and now he may see his political survival in his alliance with the green .. It is undeniable that despite his power being restrained by the coup government , this is the second time he is helping the green movement in a crucial moment while pretending he is backing SL. One should applaud the artist , enjoy his help ,but be vigilant and not really count on him.
He may hint at the meeting that if ANY of the high-ranking Reformists are arrested he will step down from his positions in Politics. (ofcourse because he will be next!). Sorry about my cynicism but ALL these guys are the same. When Rafsanjani was president, and when Mousavi was president they also purged poliical opponents. Remember the 1980s when thousands were exterminated? Perhaps they have evolved and have realised that a system without change will rot so they want to moderate it. But I think they ALL need to go. Karroubi is a good huy, he has true values of Islam, respects minorities and good values. But I must say that he knew of rape in prisons - this is not a new discovery. But he has chosen this time to raise the issue due to current agendas. So none of these mullahs smell of roses.
I read a commetn that said there are democratic parts to Theocartic system in Iran. How can you say this when there is censorship and persection and execution of minorties? That is rediculous. Islam is not about democracy. Iran must separate politics from religeon in order to progress.
"I don`t have much love for the Arab regimes. They`ve abandoned the palestinan people, King of Saudi walked hand in hand with Bush."
I agree 100% with the above statement. Iran has done more for the Palestinians than all of the other Arab Quisling states combined. The only reason why Israel is not building settlements in South Lebanon today is because Hezbollah, with the Pasdaran's help drove them out. The only reason why Israel abandoned the Gaza Strip is because Hamas, again with Iran's help, forced the Zionist state to retreat.
With regards to the Iranian government I am first and foremost a supporter of the 1979 Revolution and the regime put in place with the guidance of Imam Khomeini. It is simply a lie that the reformists represent the Khomeini legacy. Khomeini was a hardliner of the first order and not at all a liberal or a Democrat. See his letter dismissing Montazeri.
See also the 1988 executions of thousands of opponents of the Revolution sanctioned by the Imam.
The truth is that the SL best represents the doctrine and the historical legacy of the Ayatollah Khomeini and it is the reformists, hypocrites that they are, who are trying to destroy it.
Shame on you Samuel for supporting the killings of your fellow countrymen. F' khomeini. May he forever burn in hell.