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Palestine: Is the Third Intifada Possible?

Palestine: Hamas Rejects Elections in Gaza

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071210-stone-intifadaAfter mass protests and clashes this month between Israeli police and Palestinians in East Jerusalem, the prospect of a "Third Intifada" has re-emerged.

According to Israel Radio, after leaders had urged Palestinians and Israeli Muslims to defend Jerusalem against "Jewish conquest", a call which triggered a response for Israeli Jews to visit the Temple Mount, Israel's police stated that it will strengthen their forces around the Temple Mount on Sunday.

Haaretz's Zvi Bar'el write about the possibility of a Third Intifada, sharing the thoughts of Egyptian thinker Kamal Gabriel. According to Gabriel, Palestinians lack both a universally shared ideological authority and a leadership that is convinced of its ability to conduct another rising. Religious activism is not enough to trigger a new Intifada. Bar'el concludes that the deepening division between Hamas and Fatah and the increasing tension in the East Jerusalem makes the Intifada an event which is always "possible" but never occurs.

Meanwhile, Haaretz, passing on areport in the London-based Al-Quds al-Arabi, says Sultan Abu al-Ghneim, who represents Fatah in the refugee camps of Lebanon, gave a speech last week at a Ramallah rally calling on Fatah to resume suicide bombings against Israel. Given the assessment that an Intifada is not imminent, the question arises: what purpose does Ghneim's statement serve?

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