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Video: The TV Series and A New Turkey-Israel Crisis

Israel: Egypt Follows Turkey, Distances Itself from Tel Aviv

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UPDATE 1000 GMT: Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has now jumped into the issue, declaring at a press conference with Spanish leader Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero: "We hope Turkey will bolster peace and not extremist elements, and also work towards securing the ties between us, because this is an important country and relations with it are important for peace. I hope we are not witnessing a fundamental change in the path Turkey had been on until a year or two ago."

Earlier this week Israel's Foreign Ministry expressed its disappointment over a drama series Ayrilik (Separation), broadcast by the Turkish State-spshowing TRT1, showing Israeli soldiers and administrators as brutal murderers broadcasted by the Turkish State-sponsored TRT1.

In the first episode of the series, an Israeli soldier shoots a smiling Palestinian girl in the chest, and an Israeli official calls his best soldier and instructs him to form a secret unit to prevent Muslims going to pilgrimage.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman criticized his Turkish counterparts, as and the Israeli envoy in Ankara urgently outlined concern over the show. Lieberman said:
Such a drama series, which doesn't even have the slightest link to reality and which presents Israeli soldiers as murderers of innocent children, isn't worthy of being broadcast even by enemy states and certainly not in a state which has full diplomatic relations with Israel.

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