Iran: Rafsanjani Statement on "False News" (13 October)

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Former President Hashemi Rafsanjani's latest statement, published by the Iranian Labor News Agency, is brief and --- without further context --- somewhat vague.
The key reference is to an alleged letter from Rafsanjani and Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani from Mir Hossein Mousavi on 28 September. This appears to be a reference to the dramatic revelation by Fars News at the end of September of a supposed "National Unity Plan". In heated debate over subsequent days, it was claimed that this version was at best an early draft and at worst a false document.
It appears that Rafsanjani is trying to kill off any idea that he was associated with this draft initiative. What is unclear --- because Rafsanjani makes no reference to it --- is whether he associates himself with a second, different "National Unity Plan" that emerged a week later. Therefore, this appears to be a "hold-the-line" letter, holding off Government pressure on Rafsanjani through rumors and deceptions, rather than a political move.
The translation is by Persian2English:
Unfortunately, in the past few weeks, and following the sixth session of the Assembly of Experts, this trend [of mis-information] has intensified. Some media and supporting sites with politically motivated intentions have attempted to publish false news regarding some meetings that have taken place, and even mentioning meetings that have never taken place.
There are also quotes attributed to specific people; some that are true and others false. Of course, they base their political analysis on rumors and create side issues in order to achieve their political goals.
The quotes are a mix of true-and-false. There are also incomplete and selective statements regarding private meetings of the head of the Assembly of Experts with the members of this assembly; and the meeting between subcommittee of the fundamentalist clergies in parliament and Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani. There are other articles quoting “informed sources” where even the people interviewed have expressed regret and surprise by the way their words have been misquoted. Some have even been forced to deny their statements.
This is outside the law. Ethics and manners are expected of the media. They take place in an atmosphere where most news about Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani that is officially published is partially or completely censored by the newspaper.
The news published on the first page of the official government newspaper, “Iran” on September 28, 2009, titled “Hashemi Rafsanjani and Mahdavi Kani’s messages to Mir Hossein Mousavi” is an example of false news lacking any validity. It is not clear what their purpose is of printing false news. It is not even clear if they have good intentions. They can quote my statements in Friday Prayers insisting that everything by all sides be done according to law.
I have insisted on this many times; and instead of faking the news, they can print this statement.
Misquoting me regarding the presidential election, or publishing opinions of my relatives are both examples of false news reporting. Their supporting chain media immediately follows up on the false news and creates a huge side issue.
In order to calm the public who asks a lot of questions regarding this matter and respected media (and I hope this includes all the supporting media), we are officially declaring that quoting anyone but Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, or printing selective statements, lacks any credibility and validity
The only valid statements come directly from the office of Hashemi Rafsnajani and the public relations office of the Expediency Council. The statements are published to the public.
Mohammad Hashemi
The Latest from Iran (13 October): Government Threatens Karroubi
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The key reference is to an alleged letter from Rafsanjani and Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani from Mir Hossein Mousavi on 28 September. This appears to be a reference to the dramatic revelation by Fars News at the end of September of a supposed "National Unity Plan". In heated debate over subsequent days, it was claimed that this version was at best an early draft and at worst a false document.
It appears that Rafsanjani is trying to kill off any idea that he was associated with this draft initiative. What is unclear --- because Rafsanjani makes no reference to it --- is whether he associates himself with a second, different "National Unity Plan" that emerged a week later. Therefore, this appears to be a "hold-the-line" letter, holding off Government pressure on Rafsanjani through rumors and deceptions, rather than a political move.
The translation is by Persian2English:
Unfortunately, in the past few weeks, and following the sixth session of the Assembly of Experts, this trend [of mis-information] has intensified. Some media and supporting sites with politically motivated intentions have attempted to publish false news regarding some meetings that have taken place, and even mentioning meetings that have never taken place.
There are also quotes attributed to specific people; some that are true and others false. Of course, they base their political analysis on rumors and create side issues in order to achieve their political goals.
The quotes are a mix of true-and-false. There are also incomplete and selective statements regarding private meetings of the head of the Assembly of Experts with the members of this assembly; and the meeting between subcommittee of the fundamentalist clergies in parliament and Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani. There are other articles quoting “informed sources” where even the people interviewed have expressed regret and surprise by the way their words have been misquoted. Some have even been forced to deny their statements.
This is outside the law. Ethics and manners are expected of the media. They take place in an atmosphere where most news about Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani that is officially published is partially or completely censored by the newspaper.
The news published on the first page of the official government newspaper, “Iran” on September 28, 2009, titled “Hashemi Rafsanjani and Mahdavi Kani’s messages to Mir Hossein Mousavi” is an example of false news lacking any validity. It is not clear what their purpose is of printing false news. It is not even clear if they have good intentions. They can quote my statements in Friday Prayers insisting that everything by all sides be done according to law.
I have insisted on this many times; and instead of faking the news, they can print this statement.
Misquoting me regarding the presidential election, or publishing opinions of my relatives are both examples of false news reporting. Their supporting chain media immediately follows up on the false news and creates a huge side issue.
In order to calm the public who asks a lot of questions regarding this matter and respected media (and I hope this includes all the supporting media), we are officially declaring that quoting anyone but Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, or printing selective statements, lacks any credibility and validity
The only valid statements come directly from the office of Hashemi Rafsnajani and the public relations office of the Expediency Council. The statements are published to the public.
Mohammad Hashemi