Iran Election Guide

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Entries in Central & South America (2)


Latest Iran Video: A Shah's Greeting for Ahmadinejad

Venezuela greets President Ahmadinejad with "Soroude Shahanshahi", the anthem of the late Shah:


Palestine: Abbas to Latin America "Obama is Doing Nothing" 

06palestinians.600In an interview with the Argentine daily Clarin, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas has prodded President Obama through criticism: "For now he is doing nothing, but he has invited us to revive the peace process. I hope that in the future he can play a more important role."

And, within weeks of Israeli President Shimon Peres' tour of Latin America (and the same day that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was in Brasilia), Abbas called upon Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to take a more active role as mediator in the Middle East, "He can do it, because he has good relations with the two parties in the conflict and I think he can help."

Israel: UN Official Calls for “Immediate Actions on the Ground” to Save Peace Process

Abbas also explained that there will be no more concessions from the Palestinian side:
We accepted to have only 22 per cent of Palestine, and that is the biggest concession. And we also accepted that Israel had 78 per cent. So, what kind of concessions are they expecting from us?

Now we are ready to announce our independence if the Israelis will allow us to.