How did we do?

While Scott begins the post-election analysis, I thought I'd provide a little bit of commentary on Enduring America itself. The site's been up for little over a week and last night was our 'official' launch, but we're already seeing a great response from our readers. Yesterday (that is, between midnight and 23.59 GMT on November 4) we received over 1200 hits. Today we'd received another 1000 hits by the time the networks began calling the election for Obama, and at the time of writing we're enjoying our busiest day ever, with over 1500 hits already. We also received over 100 great comments during the election liveblog, and they're continuing to come in. The updates should ease off a little as the excitement of the election wanes but we're still planning on blogging here every day, so be sure to keep reading.
[Image by Patrick Moberg, via Wrestlevania and [mRg]]