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Worst Election 2008 "Story", Part 2: Obama Would Fail Security Clearance

Daniel Pipes is an author who has made a career out of seeing Communists, Marxists, anti-Semites, and Islamists sympathisers in our schools, government offices, and the media (not to mention under our beds). Here then his unveiling of the security threat posed by the likely 44th President of the United States:

"With Colin Powell now repeating the lie that Barack Obama has "always been a Christian," despite new information further confirming Obama's Muslim childhood (such as the Indonesian school registration listing him as Muslim), one watches with dismay as the Democratic candidate manages to hide the truth on this issue. Instead, then, let us review a related subject – Obama's connections and even indebtedness, throughout his career, to extremist Islam."

Fun Fact: Daniel Pipes was a board member of the US Institute of Peace from 2003 to 2005.

Reader Comments (1)

CAIR has made many attempts at stifling free speech in the United States by taking legal action against a number of individuals. Fortunately, they have not succeeded.

Obama must use his Muslim connections and Islamic background to bridge the cultural and religous divide by applying pressure on peace-loving Muslims (which constitute the vast majority of Muslims) and moderate influential Islamic institutions to speak out against terrorism carried out in the name of Islam. It is the only way to marginalize Islamic radicals. There are two obstacles moderate, peace-loving Muslims must overcome:

1. Fear of the radicals.

2. Tribal solidarity. Fear forces peaceful Muslims to cling to the tribe. For non-white groups, in-group membership trumps civic membership. This is not only true among the Muslims living in the West, but of Afro-Americans and Hispanic-Americans as well. These groups share no common identity outside of the group. The Congressional Black Caucus and The Hispanic Caucus prove my point.

A black president provides a valuable opportunity for America to correct these things and to make an honest effort in integrating non-whites -- not just formally integrating them into our institutions - which is already done - but to go even further than that. Obama must encourage substantial soul to soul human contact among all races. There is something wrong with a society when while everyone else has become a 'person', blacks have become blacks.

November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDave

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