Turkey Inside Line: A Political Warning from Business; Kurdish Connections

On the Kurdish issue, she said (referring to the statement of the Republican People's Party's newly elected leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu that the Kurdish problem is just an economic development problem): "It is insufficient to take the issue just as a problem of economic development. Those other political and social problems are producing barriers in front of a solution to the economic development."
Turkey’s Diplomatic Dance: The Nuclear Two-Step Between Iran & the US (Yenidunya)
PKK-Roj TV Connection Proven? Danish journalist Berlingske Tidende has claimed to establish the connection between the separatist Kurdish insurgency PKK and the Kurdish channe, Roj TV,l accused of being a sponsor and supporter of the group. Photographs show the former director of the channel, Manuçher Zonoozi, with the director of the Belgium branch of PKK, Metin Yüce, and a famous leader, Murat Karayilan, in a PKK camp. Yuce is also shown shooting a AK-47.