Iran Document: Mehdi Karroubi "The Movement Has Spread Everywhere"

We emerged from a revolution and we are the outcome of the experiences and ups and downs of a revolution; a great revolution for which the people’s fight started in 1962 and achieved triumph in 1978 with the leadership of Imam Khomeini. This revolution neither was an immediate act nor gained power by a coup. But it was the result of deep resistance and people from different classes participated in it. Unfortunately selfishness and escaping from the law has led the country to a dangerous point which the results of it have been the bitter recent events and the deplorable current situation of the country. Today unfortunately we are witnessing that some have possessed all positions and are using them as tools [for their own agenda]....
The Latest from Iran (4 May): Beyond the “Main Event”
The ruling powers are trying to indicate that the movement has failed. It seems that, because of the use of violence and the acts that cannot be justified in any way, people have become more cautious and more careful (which by itself is due to the wisdom of the people when facing the violence-seekers), but the question is whether the mind and thoughts of the people have also changed. Certainly not, because it is impossible that those ugly behaviors, repressions, tortures, and rapes by the fanatics would be diminished in people’s minds....
In my opinion certainly the movement has grown qualitatively and this growth is rapidly increasing in the various classes of the society. The movement has spread everywhere and the most important proof to this claim is the continuation of the more severe confrontations against the people; otherwise what could be the reason for the continuation of these methods?...Although they have all the resources (financial, state-run TV and radio, etc.) but yet they strongly feel concerned and at risk from the growing influence of the movement and therefore they are afraid from every single one of the people.”
The movement should not fall into emotions or defiant actions. We are alive as long as we continue the movement as a wise and well-thought one, a movement based on executing the constitution. This, however, does not mean that the Constitution is...an unchangeable message from God. The constitution is the result of a popular revolution and has very suitable capacities which, if utilized, will bring the totalitarians to their knees. But what is important and experience has also proved many times, is that what is gained easily is lost easily too.
The movement must be logical, peaceful and consistent so that people are purified. We know that paying a price for democracy is inevitable because it [democracy] threatens the benefits of a few; therefore, while we are moving forward, we should perform internal reviews so that, after achieving victory, we value it and do not lose it easily. By focusing and insisting on free elections and unconditional execution of the Constitution, we should all, side by side, push the movement forward and use all our capacities in this path.
Reader Comments (2)
[...] Iran Document: Mehdi Karroubi “The Movement Has Spread Everywhere … [...]
Is it just me or have Mousavi and Karroubi started hinting more at a "dynamic" constitution which could be changed? is this an attempt to reach to some with the green movement who believe certain sections, e.g. velayat-e-faqih should be amended or outright removed?