Iran Document: Khatami "Khordaad is the Month of the People"(22 May)

The month of Khordaad has been very significant in the recent history of our beloved Iran....We should call it the reflection of the faith, determination, dedication, fight against oppression and tyranny, and seeking of justice by the people of Iran.
The lively presence of the people in the tenth presidential election on Khordaad 22nd [12 June], which unfortunately was followed with bitter events, was significant. It has been the sign of life and joy of the people who insist on their rights, and I wish these people would have been appreciated.
Finally [the great demonstration on] Khordaad 25th [15 June] was one of the climactic events of the civil presence of the people demanding their rights and protests peacefully and without any violence. It would have been great if the nature of this civilized presence was honoured.
It would have been great if the protests of the people, even if they was not valid in the eyes of the authorities, were dealt with through respect and with the help of the same people. The problem would have been solved in a justified way while considering people's views, or in some reasonable way people would have been convinced.
Unfortunately not only were the people called "Dirt and Dust" [the expression used by President Ahmadinejad in his "victory speech"] but also the peaceful and civilized behavior of the people was answered with violence, the prisons were filled, and pressure was increased. There have been many unrecoverable human, financial and psychological damages, and there have been no attempts to compensate for them. Tragedies happened in some prisons which ended in martyrdom and injury of some of our dear youth and people.
Yes, Khordaad is the month of the people and whatever happened in all these days was the emergence of the will of a nation that with all of its existence demanded the establishment of a democratic system based on religious teachings and its historic demands.
Now we passed all those days [of last year], but the future is ahead of us and we should not let those important events become just a vague memory in our minds, but rather we should use them as a backbone to move forward and to guard the values of the revolution and use them to fulfill the historic demands of the nation. All of us have the responsibility to keep these memories alive in a civilized way, according to the law and without any violence.
We can and should look to the future and learn from the past. The bitter events, especially what have happened in the past year, should not make us lose hope. The sweetness of the memories should not cause us neglect the long path that we have ahead of us.
The right way is for everyone to avoid violence, especially the Government, since it contradicts the principles of democracy, values of the Revolution, and the historic demands and identity of the nation. The right path is to insist on the full implementation of the Constitution as a comprehensive document of national unity which ensures that beside every right and power someone would be held responsible.
I am saying it again that, in order for us to achieve our long-term goals, we should be together and the dignity of every Iranian should be honored. We should avoid the methods that the violence-seekers and the enemies of the people used and are still using. This has no outcome except to increase the distances between and hard feelings among the people, and the continuation of these methods will result in damaging the whole establishment.
Unfortunately today we are witnessing the increasing pressure, new arrests and also actions of some fearless and irresponsible groups, which has the support of some authorities, so even those who are not physically in prison are feeling unsafe and under pressure.
The second resolution is to create a safe and free environment according to the principles of the constitution that embodies the freedoms of associations, assembly, and press, and turns the military and police environment into a lawful and politically healthy and active environment.
The spirit of our Revolution demands and the people want the free, healthy, and joyful elections.
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