Iran Analysis: The Contest at Home Over (and Beyond) the Uranium Agreement (Zahra)

Our newest correspondent, Ms Zahra, assesses the impact of yesterday's Iran-Brazil-Turkey uranium agreement on Iran's internal situation:
President Ahmadinejad has already declared himself as victorious, which is true, because he managed to convince his opponents within the Iranian system that an agreement --- even one allowing uranium to leave Tehran for a swap --- should be reached. Surely he will now present himself as the big saviour of Iran from more sanctions.
All of this occurring on a high-profile platform in Tehran is a bonus to mobilise the Ahmadinejad supporters. The photograph says it all:

However, there are also political talking points for the opposition. They can argue that Ahmadinejad has given in to superpowers, especially the US, and has had to accept their conditions, This is not a shining example of national sovereignty. Even worse, the Islamic Republic may become more vulnerable vis-a-vis Israel.
Ahmadinejad's critics can also claim that the agreement could have been signed six months ago. An unnecessary waste of time has led to more sanctions. Far from appearing strong in this crisis, the President has been weak and has failed to withstand foreign pressures.
But here's the internal dimension beyond the nuclear. If this agreement is still valid within a week, it will have far from the domestic impact that Ahmadinejad desires. Iranians are more concerned about high prices, lack of fuel and gas, unemployment, and the overall security atmosphere.
After one or two weeks of big noise --- ta da! --- the situation will be the same or even worse. The subsidy reduction plan is ill-prepared, hundreds of protesters are still imprisoned, investment is at its lowest level in years, shaky oil prices and a squeeze on oil exports may worsen the budget deficit, which will not be covered with revenues of the privatisation of state companies often diverting to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and its interests.
As for future developments, there are again two possible scenarios:
The Government will hope that the aversion of crisis and an impression of Iran's strengthened position in international affairs, accompanied by peace and harmony, will bolster public opinion. Human rights? That's just an internal issue.
The opposition will contest that the nuclear deal has only masked the country's real problems. Now that this problem is solved, Western states can put more pressure on Tehran over human rights, possible by setting this as a requirement for extended trade. This time around, big companies will find it difficult to reinvest because of activists accusing them of cooperation with murderers and abusers.
And it will note: if this Government will retreat under pressure in the secondary arena of the international, what might happen if it again faces that pressure on the primary stage of the domestic?
President Ahmadinejad has already declared himself as victorious, which is true, because he managed to convince his opponents within the Iranian system that an agreement --- even one allowing uranium to leave Tehran for a swap --- should be reached. Surely he will now present himself as the big saviour of Iran from more sanctions.
All of this occurring on a high-profile platform in Tehran is a bonus to mobilise the Ahmadinejad supporters. The photograph says it all:

However, there are also political talking points for the opposition. They can argue that Ahmadinejad has given in to superpowers, especially the US, and has had to accept their conditions, This is not a shining example of national sovereignty. Even worse, the Islamic Republic may become more vulnerable vis-a-vis Israel.
Ahmadinejad's critics can also claim that the agreement could have been signed six months ago. An unnecessary waste of time has led to more sanctions. Far from appearing strong in this crisis, the President has been weak and has failed to withstand foreign pressures.
But here's the internal dimension beyond the nuclear. If this agreement is still valid within a week, it will have far from the domestic impact that Ahmadinejad desires. Iranians are more concerned about high prices, lack of fuel and gas, unemployment, and the overall security atmosphere.
After one or two weeks of big noise --- ta da! --- the situation will be the same or even worse. The subsidy reduction plan is ill-prepared, hundreds of protesters are still imprisoned, investment is at its lowest level in years, shaky oil prices and a squeeze on oil exports may worsen the budget deficit, which will not be covered with revenues of the privatisation of state companies often diverting to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and its interests.
As for future developments, there are again two possible scenarios:
The Government will hope that the aversion of crisis and an impression of Iran's strengthened position in international affairs, accompanied by peace and harmony, will bolster public opinion. Human rights? That's just an internal issue.
The opposition will contest that the nuclear deal has only masked the country's real problems. Now that this problem is solved, Western states can put more pressure on Tehran over human rights, possible by setting this as a requirement for extended trade. This time around, big companies will find it difficult to reinvest because of activists accusing them of cooperation with murderers and abusers.
And it will note: if this Government will retreat under pressure in the secondary arena of the international, what might happen if it again faces that pressure on the primary stage of the domestic?
Reader Comments (11)
Laranjani looks as if someone just shot his puppy! The rest no smiles at all seems to imply they were not as "thrilled" as the midget was trying to swing from their hands!!! This photo is just priceless!!!
Hi Bill,
I do not see Larijani in this photo. Have you started seeing and hearing things like the midget? LOL
Somewhat off the topic but Chicago has a contender in American Idol. His vocal is really good. Did you know that?
Hmm... Laranjani? You really made my day :-)
I guess you mean FM Mottaki, sitting on the left. The other guy is president of Majlis (parliament) Larijani. But Laranjani is priceless, because it sounds like "narenji" (tangerine), and derived "narenjak" means hand grenade.
Now Larenjaki is really like a hand grenade, hopefully to explode under the seat of this photo's victor one day ;-)
RE " The photograph says it all:"
Not exactly! Foreign Policy's Marc Lynch tweets, "I heard a lot about this Iran nuclear fuel swap deal when I was in Turkey -- they at least think it's for real. Iran fuel-swap deal seems like big win for Turks (and to lesser extent Brazil) -- will U.S. go for it? I say win for Turks bc I heard that Turkish FM Davutoglu spent nearly 20 hours in direct, private talks w/Khamenei to get nuke deal."
http://twitter.com/abuaardvark/status/14153865488" rel="nofollow">http://twitter.com/abuaardvark/status/14153865488
(+ 2 previous tweets underneath this one)
Wo ist der Führer?
This is not a caption contest...?
AN: "Yes! Pull me up! With your help and our gentlemen's agreement, I might still grow to full president size."
Excellent - very funny!
That was good.
How about, shoot this for the cover of my new children's book, "My Two Dads: which don't exist in Iran!"
My bad I was mixing and matching muppets and incorrectly named him Laranjani. I believe its Mothtaki or something. I don't watch idol. My favorited bands are Alice in Chains, Tool, Queensryche, Soundgarden, and Celtic music among many others. My favorite Chicago bands are Ministry, Pumpkins, and Disturbed!! Idol is just pop drivel regardless of what city it comes out of(I know I am being a bit harsh and I do hope the Chicago contestant does well.) All in all like country music and rap I can't help it just make my ears bleed. However, my metal music would probably make someones ears actually bleed!!!! :) HA HA
Yea I got that one wrong. I just picked the wrong muppet this time but they probably all looked like they got their puppies shot anway!!! It seems everyone hates Ahmadinejad now!!! Its a wonder he is still in office and I guess we he probably owes it all to the IRGC.
Have mercy with my poor stomach, please!
Which puppies? Where? I don't see any ;-)
Kind regards