Scott Lucas on Press TV: The UN Report on Israel's Killing of Gaza Civilians

Related Post: United Nations Report- Israel Deliberately Fired on Gaza Schools/Shelters
Yesterday I appeared, with Richard Millett of IsraelConnect, on Press TV's Four Corners to discuss the United Nations Board of Inquiry report on the deaths of Gazan civilians in the recent Israeli military operations. The conversation got a bit heated, with the presenter clearly taking a position against Mr Millett, but I hope the basic points --- particularly the need to acknowledge past actions if there was to be any hope of progress in future talks on an Israel-Palestine settlement --- came across.
Video (Part 1 of 3)
Video (Part 2 of 3)
Video (Part 3 of 3)
Yesterday I appeared, with Richard Millett of IsraelConnect, on Press TV's Four Corners to discuss the United Nations Board of Inquiry report on the deaths of Gazan civilians in the recent Israeli military operations. The conversation got a bit heated, with the presenter clearly taking a position against Mr Millett, but I hope the basic points --- particularly the need to acknowledge past actions if there was to be any hope of progress in future talks on an Israel-Palestine settlement --- came across.
Video (Part 1 of 3)
Video (Part 2 of 3)
Video (Part 3 of 3)
Press TV,
Richard Millett,
Scott Lucas,
United Nations in
Middle East & Iran