UPDATED Torture: The Hidden Photos Emerge

Revealed - Zelikow Memorandum Says Torture is not OK (Unless It’s Effective)
Torture - The Pelosi "Controversy" in One Sentence
Warning: This post contains graphic images.
UPDATE (18 May): Italian newspapers La Repubblica and Il Corriere della Sera have now published some of the photos. (Hat tip to Nur al-Cubicle via UJ).
When the scandal over the Abu Ghraib abuse photographs broke in 2004, it was reported that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was worried over "hundreds" more, as well as videotapes, that had not been revealed. It is probable that these photographs are among those whose release is being challenged by President Obama.
This morning I discovered, via the website Raw Story, that the Australian television series SBS Dateline had obtained some of the photographs in a documentary on torture in 2006. Raw Story summarised the story at the time, with 15 photographs, but little notice was taken.
After a great deal of discussion, Enduring America has decided to post the two "most moderate" photographs. We do so not to be sensationalist or voyeuristic but to show the "enhanced interrogation" carried out in America's name not only in Iraq but from Guantanamo Bay to Afghanistan to unnamed countries from 2002. We do so as an expression of concern that, in the name of "national security", the seriousness of this torture will be minimised by hiding it from us. We do so in the belief that acknowledgement of the past does not endanger America in the present but begins to redeem it.