Republican Congressman: Nazis Not So Bad (Compared to Guantanamo Detainees)

Adolf Hitler, claim your partial exoneration. Josef Goebbels, hold fast to your propaganda. Hermann Goering, give back the cyanide. Y'all may have killed millions, started one of the two bloodiest conflicts of all time, and generally been nasty, but Congressman Pete Hoekstra has given you partial absolution.
(To dispel any thoughts of unimportant looniess, Hoekstra was chairman of the House Intelligence Committee in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq War, which he vigorously supported as a fight against non-Nazi terrorists. He is still the ranking Republican on the committee.)
This bit of historical wisdom, endorsed heartily by The Weekly Standard, accompanies "The Keep Terrorists Out of America Act", which is a grandly-worded but thinly-veiled effort to prevent the closure of the Guantanamo Bay prison by preventing any detainee from stepping foot on US soil.
(To dispel any thoughts of unimportant looniess, Hoekstra was chairman of the House Intelligence Committee in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq War, which he vigorously supported as a fight against non-Nazi terrorists. He is still the ranking Republican on the committee.)
This bit of historical wisdom, endorsed heartily by The Weekly Standard, accompanies "The Keep Terrorists Out of America Act", which is a grandly-worded but thinly-veiled effort to prevent the closure of the Guantanamo Bay prison by preventing any detainee from stepping foot on US soil.