Video Shocker: Obama is Hitler (And You're on His List)

Via Media Matters:
Our favourite delusional paranoid and/or talk-show shyster, Glenn Beck, reworks the poem about the Jews, leaping from the AIG financial services group to the auto industry, to prove that Obama/Hitler is "coming after you":
Our favourite delusional paranoid and/or talk-show shyster, Glenn Beck, reworks the poem about the Jews, leaping from the AIG financial services group to the auto industry, to prove that Obama/Hitler is "coming after you":
Adolf Hitler,
Barack Obama,
Glenn Beck,
Media Matters,
US Auto Industry in
Political Humour

Reader Comments (2)
There was a time, not so long ago, when guys like Beck might have an hour or so a day, on some 200-watt AM station at the far-end of the dial.
Thank you, Fox "News", for making insanity main-stream.
And let me see if I got this straight: the Bush administration claims presidents can legitimately suspend habeas corpus of U.S. citizens, imprison them without access to counsel or due process, ignore international treaties, and ignore any law passed by Congress he chooses, but Beck had no problem with any of that?
But let a Democrat try to bail-out the economy, ineptly or not, and "they're coming for you"?
Why, in the name of all that's holy, does this human national disgrace have access to the airwaves?
Mr. Beck is absolutely right and Thank somebody for Fox News the only ones reporting the truth, this country is slipping into communism