University Special: Iran & Conservapedia Ally Against Dangerous Professors

What do the Iranian regime and our favourite on-line bastion of all things conservative, Conservapedia ("The Trustworthy Encyclopedia"), have in common?
Answer: Condemning “Deviant” Professors
Minister of Science and Higher Education Kamran Daneshjoo, at a meeting with the chancellors of universities, said, “Anyone who cannot act in line with the path of the Revolution should leave universities.” Adherence to that line included showing loyalty to Islam and velayat-e-faqih (clerical supremacy).
In November 2008, we noted how Conservapedia proclaimed:
However, even Conservapedia can’t quite match Daneshjoo’s audacity. The Minister noted “the declining trend of university professors’ scientific capabilities and academic credentials”, but said there are enough qualified professors that the science ministry is not “ashamed of” removing those who have divergent views.
Fun fact: Daneshjoo’s “academic credentials” include a Ph.D. from a non-existent British university.
Answer: Condemning “Deviant” Professors
Minister of Science and Higher Education Kamran Daneshjoo, at a meeting with the chancellors of universities, said, “Anyone who cannot act in line with the path of the Revolution should leave universities.” Adherence to that line included showing loyalty to Islam and velayat-e-faqih (clerical supremacy).
In November 2008, we noted how Conservapedia proclaimed:
Professors’ common value system typically includes atheism, censorship, socialism, unjustified claims of expertise and knowledge (for example, the dogmatic promotion of the theory of evolution), liberаl beliefs, liberal grading, liberal bias, anti-patriotism, lack of productivity, bullying or discouraging conservative students (for example, homeschoolers), and promotion of sexual immorality.
However, even Conservapedia can’t quite match Daneshjoo’s audacity. The Minister noted “the declining trend of university professors’ scientific capabilities and academic credentials”, but said there are enough qualified professors that the science ministry is not “ashamed of” removing those who have divergent views.
Fun fact: Daneshjoo’s “academic credentials” include a Ph.D. from a non-existent British university.
Reader Comments (3)
The Iranians shouldn't feel so bad. Universities in America and Europe have been in a state of decline for decades. Academics in the humanities and social sciences have done the most damage, churning out poorly substantiated and politically motivated theories. The students pay a lot of money only to be fed ersatz food. Oh well... At least mathematics cannot be corrupted by any religion or ideology. In the Soviet era, Moscow State University had the best mathematics department in the world. Math professors at the University of Tehran and other Iranian institutes of higher education don't have to worry.
I have a better suggestion for Mr. Danesh Nejoo. How about anyone who acts in-line with the path of the Revolution meaning they are loyal to Islam Republic and velayat-e-faqih (clerical supremacy) pack their bags and LEAVE IRAN.
All the terrorists wanted by international communauty and the ignorants are in the government of this "AN"; we can't expect a better situation !! either on economic and social issues or on foreign policy's !!