UPDATED Iran Politics and Music Video: "Karroubi" and the Arrest of Sasi Mankan

UPDATE 31 MARCH: Iranian authorities now say they detained Sasi Mankan on Saturday on Kish Island, deporting him to the mainland, for "disrupting the peace": “Sasi Mankan was arrested when he and some of his friends, dressed in outrageous outfits, danced and performed repulsive acts that were offensive to the public’s morals in a shopping centre in Kish Island.”
On Monday we reported the convergence of film, music, and politics. At the same time that No One Knows Persian Cats --- a film about Tehran musicians trying to evade Iranian authorities and perform in London --- is being shown in cinemas, the underground rap artist Sasi Mankan was arrested in Iran.
Helpful EA readers have introduced us to Mankan's music, noting in particular that he may have been targeted by the regime because of this April 2009 tribute to the cleric, Presidential candidate, and opposition figure Mehdi Karroubi:
On Monday we reported the convergence of film, music, and politics. At the same time that No One Knows Persian Cats --- a film about Tehran musicians trying to evade Iranian authorities and perform in London --- is being shown in cinemas, the underground rap artist Sasi Mankan was arrested in Iran.
Helpful EA readers have introduced us to Mankan's music, noting in particular that he may have been targeted by the regime because of this April 2009 tribute to the cleric, Presidential candidate, and opposition figure Mehdi Karroubi:
Reader Comments (5)
It's interesting that they arrested Sasy Mankan. He's probably the least political rapper, albeit the most popular in recent years. With the exception of this song, most his songs are pop dance songs made popular at weddings and house parties. For example Hichkas (featured in Ghobadi's film) is more political and his latest song "A good day will come" gives hope to the Green Movement.
It's a pity that young talents like Sasy Mankan are constantly wasted in this country because of a necrophilic, death-loving regime, which propagates martyrdom instead of life! Just imagine, what he could have become today, if he had grown up in Tehrangeles (LA). The Iranian youth has all reasons to fight against warmongering AN and IRGC, the SL and all the other wicked old men!
But the times they are a changing, and this year even Nouruz concerts have become manifestations of expatriate's solidarity with the Green power, as this nice article from Radio Farda shows:
Afshin, Ebi and the band Kiosk, all of them dedicated their songs to the Green movement, which may actually be unseen, but is growing and alive. Like the "Dashte Sabz" (Green field) from Kiosk:
[...] original post here: Iran Politics and Music: Sasi Mankan's “Karroubi” | Enduring America var addthis_pub="welcome2green"; Posted under Concerts, Green Politics Comments [...]
US-born rappers mainly rap about material things. It's all about money. Sometimes they'll come up with something with a little more substance, but it's rare.
Like it or not, the global village demands an open society. Artists should be able to give expression, no matter the polity. It's a matter of time.