Full Video & Transcript: Benjamin Netanyahu's Speech to AIPAC Conference (22 March)

LATEST: Israel Video & Transcript: Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech to AIPAC (23 May 2011)
Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on Tuesday:Israel Special: Obama-Netanyahu Meeting and the Settlement “Surprise”
Full Video and Transcript: Secretary of State Clinton at AIPAC Conference (22 March)
Members of the Obama Administration, Senators, Members of Congress, Ambassadors, Leaders of AIPAC, Ladies and Gentlemen,
As the world faces monumental challenges, I know that Israel and America will face them together.We stand together because we are fired by the same ideals and inspired by the same dream the dream of achieving security, prosperity and peace.This dream seemed impossible to many Jews a century ago.
This month, my father celebrated his 100th birthday. When he was born, the Czars ruled Russia, the British Empire spanned the globe and the Ottomans ruled the Middle East.During his lifetime, all of these empires collapsed, other powers rose and fell, and the Jewish destiny swung from despair to a new hope the rebirth of the Jewish state.For the first time in two thousand years, a sovereign Jewish people could defend themselves against attack.
Before that, we were subjected to unremitting savagery: the bloodletting of the Middle Ages, the expulsion of the Jews from England, Spain and Portugal, the wholesale slaughter of the Jews of the Ukraine, the pogroms in Russia, culminating in the greatest evil of all the Holocaust. The founding of Israel did not stop the attacks against the Jews. It merely gave the Jews the power to defend themselves against those attacks.
My friends,
I want to tell you about the day when I fully understood the depth of this transformation. It was the day I met Shlomit Vilmosh over forty years ago. I served with her son, Haim, in the same elite unit in the army.During a battle in 1969, Haim was killed by a burst of gunfire. At his funeral, I discovered that Haim was born shortly after his mother and father had been freed from the death camps of Europe. Had he been born two years before, this daring young officer would have been tossed into the ovens like a million other Jewish children.
Haim's mother Shlomit told me that though she was in great anguish, she was proud. At least, she said, my son fell wearing the uniform of a Jewish soldier defending the Jewish state.
Time and again the Israeli army was forced to repel attacks of much larger enemies determined to destroy us. Recognizing that we could not be defeated in battle, Egypt and Jordan, embraced the path of peace. Yet there are those who continue the assault against the Jewish state and who openly call for our destruction. They seek to achieve this goal through terrorism, missile attacks and most recently by seeking to develop atomic weapons.
The ingathering of the Jewish people to Israel has not deterred these fanatics. In fact, it has only whetted their appetite. Iran's rulers say Israel is a one bomb country." The head of Hezbollah says: "If all the Jews gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide."
My friends,
These are unpleasant facts, but they are the facts. The greatest threat to any living organism or nation is not to recognize danger in time. Seventy-five years ago, the leading powers in the world put their heads in the sand. Untold millions died in the war that followed. Ultimately, two of history's greatest leaders helped turn the tide. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Winston Churchill helped save the world. But they were too late to save six million of my own people.
The future of the Jewish state can never depend on the goodwill of even the greatest of men. Israel must always reserve the right to defend itself.
Today, an unprecedented threat to humanity looms large. A radical Iranian regime armed with nuclear weapons could bring an end to the era of nuclear peace the world has enjoyed for the last 65 years. Such a regime could provide nuclear weapons to terrorists and might even be tempted to use them itself. Our world would never be the same. Iran's brazen bid to develop nuclear weapons is first and foremost a threat to Israel, but it is also a grave threat to the region and to the world. Israel expects the international community to act swiftly and decisively to thwart this danger. But we will always reserve the right to defend ourselves.
We must also defend ourselves against the lies and vilifications. Throughout history, the slanders against the Jewish people always preceded the physical assaults against them and were used to justify them. The Jews were called the well-poisoners of mankind, the fomenters of instability, the source of all evil under the sun. Like the physical assaults, these libelous attacks against the Jewish people did not end with the creation of Israel. For a time after World War Two, overt anti-Semitism was held in check by the shame and shock of the Holocaust. But only for a time.
In recent decades the hatred of the Jews has reemerged with increasing force, but with an insidious twist. It is not merely directed at the Jewish people but increasingly at the Jewish state. In its most pernicious form, it argues that if only Israel did not exist, many of the world's problems would go away.
My friends,
Does this mean that Israel is above criticism? Of course not.Israel, like any democracy, has imperfections but we strive to correct them through open debate and scrutiny. Israel has independent courts, the rule of law, a free press and a vigorous parliamentary debate --- believe me, it's vigorous.
I know that members of Congress refer to one another as my distinguished colleague from Wisconsin or the distinguished Senator from California. In Israel, members of Knesset don't speak of their distinguished colleagues from Kiryat Shmona and Beer Sheva. We say well, you don't want to know what we say. In Israel, self-criticism is a way of life, and we accept that criticism is part of the conduct of international affairs. But Israel should be judged by the same standards applied to all nations, and allegations against Israel must be grounded in fact.
Here is one allegation that is not. The attempt by many to describe the Jews as foreign colonialists in their own homeland is one of the great lies of modern times.
In my office, I have on display a signet ring that was loaned to me by Israel's Department of Antiquities. The ring was found next to the Western Wall, but it dates back some 2,800 years ago, two hundred years after King David turned Jerusalem into our capital city. The ring is a seal of a Jewish official, and inscribed on it in Hebrew is his name: Netanyahu. His name was Netanyahu Ben-Yoash. My first name, Benjamin, dates back 1,000 years earlier to Benjamin, the son of Jacob. One of Benjamin's brothers was named Shimon, which also happens to be the first name of my good friend, Shimon Peres, the President of Israel. Nearly 4,000 years ago, Benjamin, Shimon and their ten brothers roamed the hills of Judea.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel cannot be denied. The connection between the Jewish people and Jerusalem cannot be denied.
The Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3,000 year ago and the Jewish people are building Jerusalem today. Jerusalem is not a settlement. It is our capital.
In Jerusalem, my government has maintained the policies of all Israeli governments since 1967, including those led by Golda Meir, Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Rabin. Today, nearly a quarter of a million Jews, almost half the citys Jewish population, live in neighborhoods that are just beyond the 1949 armistice lines. All these neighborhoods are within a five-minute drive from the Knesset. They are an integral and inextricable part of modern Jerusalem.
Everyone knows that these neighborhoods will be part of Israel in any peace settlement. Therefore, building them in no way precludes the possibility of a two-state solution.
Nothing is rarer in the Middle East than tolerance for the beliefs of others. Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem has ensured that the religious sites of all faiths have been protected. While we cherish our homeland, we also recognize that Palestinians live there as well. We don't want to govern them. We don't want to rule them. We want them as neighbors, living in security, dignity and peace.
Yet Israel is unjustly accused of not wanting peace with the Palestinians. Nothing could be further from the truth.My government has consistently shown its commitment to peace in both word and deed. From day one, we called on the Palestinian Authority to begin peace negotiations without delay. I make that same call today. President Abbas, come and negotiate peace.
Leaders who truly want peace should be prepared to sit down face-to-face. Of course, the United States can help the parties solve their problems but it cannot solve the problems for the parties. Peace cannot be imposed from the outside. It can only come through direct negotiations in which we develop mutual trust.
Last year, I spoke of a vision of peace in which a demilitarized Palestinian state recognizes the Jewish state. Just as the Palestinians expect Israel to recognize a Palestinian state, we expect the Palestinians to recognize the Jewish state. In the past year, my government has removed hundreds of roadblocks, barriers and checkpoints in the West Bank. As a result, we have helped spur a fantastic economic boom there. Finally, we announced an unprecedented moratorium on new Israeli construction in Judea and Samaria.
This is what my government has done for peace. What has the Palestinian Authority done for peace? Well, they have placed preconditions on peace talks, waged a relentless international campaign to undermine Israel's legitimacy, and promoted the notorious Goldstone Report that falsely accuses Israel of war crimes.
I want to thank President Obama and the United States Congress for their efforts to thwart this libel. The Palestinian Authority has also continued incitement against Israel. Less than two weeks ago, a public square was named after a terrorist who murdered 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children.The Palestinian Authority did not prevent it.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Peace requires reciprocity.It cannot be a one-way street in which only Israel makes concessions. Israel stands ready to make the compromises necessary for peace.But we expect the Palestinian leaders to compromise as well. But one thing I will never compromise is our security.
If you want to understand Israel's security predicament, imagine the entire United States compressed to the size of New Jersey. Next, put on New Jersey's northern border an Iranian terror proxy called Hezbollah which fires 6,000 rockets into that small state. Then imagine that this terror proxy has amassed 60,000 more missiles to fire at you. Now imagine on New Jersey's southern border another Iranian terror proxy called Hamas. It too fires 6,000 rockets into your territory while smuggling ever more lethal weapons into its territory.
Do you think you would feel a little bit vulnerable? Do you think you would expect some understanding from the international community when you defend yourselves?
A peace agreement with the Palestinians must include effective security arrangements on the ground. Israel must prevent a repeat in the West Bank of what happened when it withdrew from Lebanon and Gaza. Israel's main security problem with Lebanon is not its border with Lebanon. It is Lebanon's porous border with Syria, through which Iran and Syria smuggle tens of thousands of weapons to Hezbollah.
Israel's main security problem with Gaza is not its border with Gaza. It is along Gaza's border with Egypt, under which nearly 1,000 tunnels have been dug to smuggle weapons.
Experience has shown that only an Israeli presence on the ground can prevent weapons smuggling. This is why a peace agreement with the Palestinians must include an Israeli presence on the eastern border of a future Palestinian state.As peace with the Palestinians proves its durability over time, we can review security arrangements. We are prepared to take risks for peace, but we will not be reckless with the lives of our people and the life of the one and only Jewish state.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The people of Israel want a future in which our children no longer experience the horrors of war. We want a future in which Israel realizes its full potential as a global center of technology, anchored in its values and living in peace and security with all its neighbors. I envision an Israel that dedicates its creative and scientific energies to help solve some of the great problems of the day, foremost of which is finding a clean and affordable substitute for gasoline. If we can help find an alternative to gasoline, we will stop transferring hundreds of billions of dollars a year to radical regimes that support terror worldwide.
I am confident that in pursuing these goals, we have the enduring friendship of the United States of America, the greatest nation on earth. The American people have always shown their courage, their generosity and their decency. Time and again, America has stood by Israel's side against common enemies. From one President to the next, from one Congress to the next, America's commitment to Israel's security has been unwavering.
In the last year, President Obama and the U.S. Congress have given meaning to that commitment by providing Israel with military assistance, by enabling joint military exercises and by working on joint missile defense. So too, Israel has been a staunch and steadfast ally of the United States.As Vice President Biden said, America has no better friend in the community of nations than Israel.
For decades, Israel served as a bulwark against Soviet expansionism. Today it is helping America stem the tide of militant Islam. Israel shares with America everything we know about fighting a new kind of enemy. We share intelligence and we cooperate in countless other ways that I am not at liberty to divulge. This cooperation saves American lives.
Our soldiers and your soldiers fight against fanatic enemies that loathe our common values. In the eyes of these fanatics, we are you and you are us.To them, the only difference is that you are big and we are small, you are the Great Satan and we are the Little Satan. This fanaticism's hatred of Western civilization predates Israels establishment by over one thousand years. Militant Islam does not hate the West because of Israel. It hates Israel because of the West, because it sees Israel as an outpost of freedom that prevents them from overrunning the Middle East. When Israel stands against its enemies, it stands against America's enemies.
President Harry Truman, the first world leader to recognize Israel, said:
"I have faith in Israel and believe that it has a glorious future not just as another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization."
My Friends,
We are gathered here today because we believe in those ideals. And because of those ideals, I am certain that Israel and America will always stand together.
Reader Comments (23)
[...] [...]
[...] at the AIPAC . If you have not had a chance to read this speech then I will post a link here. Here is a video of the speech Those who do not agree with the real history of Israel should also take a [...]
[...] Committee’s (AIPAC) gala dinner last night, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu offered this response to the Obama administration’s request that Israel halt settlement expansion on occupied [...]
Bunch of crazies... Thank goodness the tide is turning.
"The founding of Israel did not stop the attacks against the Jews. It merely gave the Jews the power to defend themselves against those attacks."
Laughable statement by Netanyahu. The founding of Israel is responsible for much of the modern attacks against Jews. As OPPRESSORS this time.
Putting the State on the same moral standards with Rogue States and terrorists groups who both hate Israel and the West is what prolonged the Ara-Israeli conflict for decades since the UN Partitioning of the British Mandate Palestine in 1947. Appesement and concessions to evil breeds more evil especially when we are bilnd folded with realities of events.
[...] вчерашниот говор на Израелскиот Премиер, Benjamin Netanyahu на оваа страница го имате целиот интегрален [...]
I don't agree with all that israel has done or is doing but his speech is understandable.
@ aquarius
I can see both your quote and your response as reasonable according to whomever it refers too. There are reasonable arguments on all sides, but that is what both sides need to address, and then maybe one day there will be peace. Israel exists, it has a far more free society than all those who surround it, and that is a fact. The day that those countries who surround it have the same freedom, they will get the same respect, world wide.
(B.Sc., M.Sc., C.E., (Eq. Dr. Eng.), LREB, PE & RCE)
PMBox#615, 678 W. 19th St, COSTA MESA. CA 92627
Tel.: (949) 642-2719
March 2010
Government of United States of America;
111 United States CONGRESS (Senate & House of Representatives):
It is not only Roman POLANSKI, so-called Holocaust Survivor Hollywood [Jewish] director, who raped and sodomized 13-year old American girl, for 34-years eluded justice, then California Appeals judges in Los Angeles acting as his attorneys provide him with suggestions how to evade jail,
(whereas every day many poor Latinos/ Hispanics and African-Americans/ Blacks are sent to jails with harshest sentences for same and/or for taking $10 food from a grocery store); but also
Israeli-Lobby/ Jewish-Mafia since WWII by Holocaust factory have been raping the whole United States of America and rest of the world. By controlling entertainment, Hollywood, media, television, press, private and financial institutions, as well as Legislatures, (as U.S. CONGRESS: Senate and House of Representatives), every federal, state and local governmental departments, intelligence agencies, have converted American Judiciary-Court System/ Courthouses to Whorehouses, chambers of Tortures, escape-elude prosecution.
[Jews] with only 1.8% of America's population, (5.28 million in 300 millions), by fraud and destroying/ murdering opposition have 14 of 100, 14% of U.S. Senators, (100% of California, 100% of WI, 50% of CT, MD, MI, MN, NJ, NY, OR, PA, and VT), with 30 U.S. House Representatives, (5 of 8 in Los Angeles, California area); Whereas,
African-Americans/ Blacks with about 15% of U.S. Population have NO U.S. Senator, and Latinos with about 20% population have a couples with some in the U.S. House of Representatives. Above have enabled the
U.S. [Jewish] Senators, as Dianne FEINSTEIN, Barbara BOXER, Allen CRANSTON, (dead now), Joe LIEBERMAN, Charles SCHUMER with others in U.S. Senate, and U.S. House [Jewish] Representatives, as Tom LANTUS (dead now), Howard BERMAN, Brad SHERMAN, Jane HARMAN, Henry WAXMAN, Adam SHIFF, ……., to control every crucial important Congressional COMMITTEES, as JUDICIAY, Appropriations, Finance, Intelligence, Armed Services, Homeland Security, implementing policies, assign corrupt collaborating judges (at all levels).
Whereas the government of Turkey gets apology from government of Israel for insulting treatment of her Envoy in Tel Aviv; but
by Israel control, USA Congress, federal and states officials, courts, even Executive Offices of USA Presidents, are considered worthless pieces and elements only acting as Servants and COLONEY of Israel. But
Israeli-Lobby/ Jewish-Mafia (by above elements as Joe LEIBERMAN), force USA Congress to create and finance WARS, killing/ destroying families all over the world, as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Middle-East, Iran, Viet-Nam, Africa, Central-South America, while USA soldiers are killed for Israeli/ Jewish-Mafia to loot and plunder other nations, enrich themselves, amassing wealth, assets and properties, while protected from prosecution by the assigned judges, (even after stealing from Earthquakes, Floods, Fires and other disasters’ public-funds).
Assigned [Jewish] judges and collaborators are means to manipulate constitution-laws to issue hundreds of millions dollars fraudulent judgments on fabricated cases to steal from other nations, as Iranians (see Alisa FLATOW Case, an Israeli Jewish-American in Palestine, or other CIA-Israeli spies cases); but they shut-up and became blind and deaf when
Israelis bulldozed and crushed to death Rachel CORRIE an American citizen university student protesting destruction of houses of innocent Palestinians families in the Occupied Territories, and/or dismissed/ destroyed all cases filed against USA, CIA, Jewish-Mafia, as filed by this undersigned.
It is not only Al-Quaeda, Taliban or Sadam and Iranians who they kill every day, but since WWII, by a Master-Plan, Israelis, USA/CIA have been killing/ murdering Scientists, Engineers, Professionals, …... of other nations, destroying their educations and capabilities, unless collaborating in spying and in thieveries-looting human and natural resources of their nations; committed against many as this undersigned who possess at least four University and professional degrees.
The act of killing colleagues as in Fort-Hood, or 7 CIA agents in Afghanistan, are normal training and operations implemented by CIA-Israeli agents against other nations, murdering their officials, officers, scientists....
USA-Israel by creating unbearable conditions in the world, leaving millions faced with death, force them with no choice but to fight back, commit suicide bombing to relief themselves/ families from pain/ tortures/ humiliations; whereas their media by fraud/ propaganda put blame on victims rather than exposing the truth.
Israeli/ Jewish-Mafia, by above operations, atrocities and fraudulently claiming all their assets and properties confiscated by Hitler/ Nazis and/or Anti-Semites, with only 15 millions of 6.5 Billions of world population, Whereas half of the world population are living with less than $2 a day; but
"small but deceitful number of people called Zionists ... are dominating an important portion of the financial and monetary centers as well as the political decision-making centers of some European countries and the U.S.", who with possession of 200-400 Atomic bombs without being controlled and sanctioned by UN organizations, have compiled and amassed enormous wealth, assets and properties, with disproportionate control over American and international finance, that still by pre-designed and planned creation of instability in other countries, every day billions dollars are smuggled to USA-Israel, adding and amassing more assets to satisfy their sadistic greed and thieveries.
Under above conditions, the United Nations Secretary General office, rather than assigning bunches of Israeli controlled self-centered, self-indulged, alcoholics, drug addicts, adulterers, whores and pervert Hollywood Celebrities as Good-Will Ambassadors of UN organizations, as UNICEF, dispatching them to other nations as in Africa, insulting those nations poor children and families; and/or
the United Nations Security Council publishing a REPORT by UN COMPENSATION COMMISSION, S/AC.26/1997/6, 18 Dec 1997, refers to:
“Karim-Panahi v. United States of America, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Reports, Cambridge, Grotius) (“Iran-U.S. C.T.R.”, vol. 28 (1992), p. 225 et seq., at p. 228. (Claim dismissed because “[a]part from generalized allegations of the United States involvement, the Claimant’s statements remain so vague and devoid of any supporting evidence as to fail to state a cognizable claim or cause of action”.)”
without investigation of USA-CIA and Los Angeles Police Department torturous operations which from 1981 prevented him to take part in a civilized proceedings of the Tribunal, even stealing communications/ Orders from the Tribunal, then in 1983 their elements in United Nations in New York used UN Police Force breaking his arm,
shall not stamp approval of the crimes and of USA/ State Department fraudulent thieveries committed thru international forums as Iran-U.S.Claims Tribunal; instead:
United Nations officials shall perform their responsibilities in accordance with the United Nations Charter, remove elements acting as USA-Israel agents from UN organizations, take immediate steps to stop and put an end to the sadistic maniac barbaric and brutal acts revealed by USA Tortures-Memo, which are used not only against so-called suspected-terrorists, but against us, scientists, engineers, professionals, intellectuals, activists, ….., and ordinary people who refuse to collaborate in the Israeli, USA, CIA, and their corporate thieveries and crimes.
Their tortures and crimes did not commence from 9-11-2001 and suicide bombers desperate acts; but committed for decades, way back to Korean and Vietnam Wars, forcing BUDDHISTS MONKS to set themselves on FIRE to protest the War and savageries.
It is times, before the USA, CIA, ISRAELI criminals, kill, murder and destroy any more innocent lives, families and opposition; that
United Nations declare USA a COLONY and another state of Greater-ISRAEL, transfer Veto Power to Israel,
(until American people get a chance to have another Revolution and regain INDEPENDENCE, as gained against Britain); also
United Nations shall establish independent International Criminal Tribunals, or by the existing International Criminal Court, to have them arrested, imprisoned, prosecuted, put on trial, and all theirs/ families assets confiscated in our behalf.
This undersigned a witness and victim of six-decades of above crimes and thieveries would be ready to testify in any court anywhere in the world
Now and again it will require someone that will put the knowledge in front of you before you recognize that all people should really consider additional treatment.
Parviz Karim-Panahi,
I hope you had your "tin foil hat" on when gracing us with that fictious spew you posted. I guess in your warped world view the Jews control the world's media, finance, and government. To boot this is all clearly laid out in the forgery you must belive is authentic the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Let also not forget the Jewish armies are also gearing up to conquer the whole Islamic world as well. Right? Oh watch out their is a Jew hinding out behind your house to get you!!!
After a google search it was quite apparent your on a legal Jihad. Well sorry to inform you us infidels are never going to submit. Geez I just realized I responded to a nitwit(oops now I'm going to be sued as well for calling you a niwit--oops did it again you nitwit!)
Hey Parviz,
Maybe you should go back to petitioning the Supreme Court? :-)
Supreme Court Orders
(ORDER LIST: 530 U.S.)
MONDAY, JUNE 19, 2000
The motion of petitioner for leave to proceed in
forma pauperis is denied, and the petition for a writ of
certiorari is dismissed. See Rule 39.8. As the
petitioner has repeatedly abused this Court's process,
the Clerk is directed not to accept any further
petitions in noncriminal matters from petitioner unless
the docketing fee required by Rule 38(a) is paid and the
petition is submitted in compliance with Rule 33.1. See
Martin v. District of Columbia Court of Appeals, 506
U.S. 1 (1992) (per curiam). Justice Stevens dissents.
See id., at 4, and cases cited therein.
Karim-Panahi v. US, Supreme Court 2009
No. 09-7036
Supreme Court of United States.
November 16, 2009.
The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied.
I started to reply to this person then decided to do a google search. Oh my this person set new levels for libel tourism. It was alive and breathing Parviz sued it!! It was quite funny to see that each and every time the motions were shot down. I do wonder how in the world is Parviz paying for it?? Reminds of the libel tourism running wild in England! The US actually had to put legislation in place because the Saudis were using it to target journalists tracking the Al Qaeda money trail--I guess some Sheik didn't want the truth found out.
(B.Sc., M.Sc., C.E., (Eq. Dr. Eng.), LREB, PE & RCE)
Post Mail Box #615, 678 W. 19th Street, COSTA MESA. CA 92627
Tel.: (949) 642-2719
25 March 2010
To: Madam Speaker, Nancy PELOSI,
John BOEHNER, Republican Leader,
and Members of the
111 U.S. Congress (House of Representatives and Senate)
Subject: SHAME IN
It is a shame that the SPEAKER, Nancy PELOSI, and Minority Leader, John BOEHNER, and some Members of 111 U.S. CONGRESS, (House of Representatives and Senate), together with some USA Cabinet members and officials met and shook hand with BEJAMIN NETANYAHU, the Israeli Prime Minister who for ASSASINATION order is under international ARREST WARRANT by Dubai and INTERPOL.
This criminal in several occasions has ordered Israel MOSSAD/ Intelligence service to ASSASSINATE opposition, last time JAN. 20, 2010, ASSASSINATING Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhoub in Dubai.
Even BRITISH Government, USA ally, EXPELLED Israeli Ambassador from Britain.
Apologi to American people and international community are appropriate.
It is the very height of arrogance for an Israeli Prime minister, on a supposed mission to heal a diplomatic wound that the Prime Minister's own government inflicted on both our own US Middle East Peace negotiator George Mitchell, on one day, and then on the next, our own US Vice President, to stop off first at AIPAC to deliver a self-serving continuance of his total disregard for American interests as defined by our government . . not his.
It is the height of ingratitude for the Prime Minister of Israeli to so publicly stick his finger in the eye of our own government that has been so generous and supportive of his.
The truth of the matter is that Israel does not want Peace; that much is now perfectly clear. They want the land. All of the land. They feel entitled because the Bible tells them so", because 2,000 years ago "they" lived there. Both arguments invite an irrational policy that would turn half the world into a battleground. Outrageous!
Israel does know that the price for land has always been in blood and they are seem very willing to spill it, as long as the proportions are 1000 dead Palestinians for every dead Israeli. They have delivered that.
The absolute fraud of Peace negotiations becomes clearer day by day by thousands of days. Just look at the map of the West Bank, looking like Swiss Cheese, with Israeli permanent settlements. Does anyone still believe that Israel will give back these settlements and East Jerusalem as part of a Peace plan?
Israel knows what it can get away with in the US. That is the reason it can outrage a sitting US president and his emissaries. Israel and its government intend for their own purposes, to join the millions of US conservatives who lost the last election and are determined to de-legitimize our present government.
We are on a wild ride to chaos!
You are getting a bit emotional in regards to US politics. Neither Israel nor "US conservatives" can de-legitimize the present US Government. Criticize it, shout about it, wail about it !, yes!!. But only the American people can de-legitimize their Government.
I agree with you that the US is possibly on a wild ride to chaos - but it doesn't have to be so. The US has been a strength in the world since WW2, under different political administrations. Something has happened inside the people themselves - possibly had it too easy for too long??
Our past does not guarantee our future. Our allies can either support us or fight against us, adding weight and momentum to our downward spiral or uplift in a mutual ascendancy. From here it does not look good and Israeli policy only makes things more difficult no matter who in the US is cheering them on.
There is no military solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There is no biblical solution, nor are there any ancient historical entitlements. Today and tomorrow, power always wins, but looking ahead it always fails. The world is much larger than we are and older and more patient. When the Israeli power politics fail, we fail.
The democratically elected leadership of this country is not in Tel Aviv or at AIPAC, no matter who may wish otherwise. To give it to them, or anyone else, would be an act of treason. The branch of our government charged, by our constitution, with the conduct of foreign policy is the executive and resides in the person of our President; OUR President. That is why we have an elections. If people do not like our electoral system they cannot like America. It is that democratic system that defines us.
To current attempt to de-legitimize an election because some, even many, do not like the outcome is not only un-American, but can only end, ultimately, in anarchy and ruin; the ruination of a country we all profess to love. When foreign governments join in this attempt it deepens the outrage and does indeed contribute to our demise.
There is a rage that we all know too well, and that is the rage of a man who because of some problem that he cannot bear, burns down his own house, kills his own wife, his own children and himself, rather than endure a solution that was not what he wanted. There is a rage currently seizing our country that is self destructive of persons as well as our country. It was, in large measure, created, inflamed, and manipulated for political purposes and has now a life of its own. God help us.
So what is different today compared to, say, the 50's,60's 70's,80's??
Too much freedom?? (as was discussed in another thread), too little discipline, self control?
"the price for land has always been in blood"
This is true - no land is owned by anybody, it is only possessed. The history of humankind has been one of the changing possession of lands - usually by force. The Mongolian hordes were once at the gates of Vienna.
WOOPS!!! Sincerely not trying to steal your identity!! :) Accidentally typed in your name at top of the last couple of posting forms. I wondered myself for a while what was going on!!
"This criminal in several occasions has ordered Israel MOSSAD/ Intelligence service to ASSASSINATE opposition, last time JAN. 20, 2010"
Parviz, Please don't forget that al-Mabhouh was a killer. For 20 years. And came to Dubai to get more weapons:
Plus,you seem to be completely on drugs with all your accusations.
Dennis, Why are you so talkative about US in this case?
Netanyahu's speech is about Israel politics and its rights, not US rights or politics. Did you notice by any chance?
"The founding of Israel is responsible for much of the modern attacks against Jews"
Aquarius , you need to take some history lessons, you are missing out on truth.
@ Irina, Did you not know that the US and Israel are linked? That the problems of the Middle East have cost us, the USA, billions of dollars and thousands of lives in Iraq and Afghanistan? Both wars Israel supported and encouraged and still does. Bibi's speech was aimed right at the USA lobby for Israel that extends beyond AIPAC to millions of American Christians who believe that the Bible says Israel owns all of the land. He has been manipulating that latter US politica/Religious group for more than 20 years.
The obvious purpose for Nitanyahu's speech, before AIPAC, the day before his meeting with the US President Obama was "to send Obama a message" that the peace table agenda issue of Jerusalem had already been decided, and decided by Israel alone. It's ours. All of it. Ditto for the "facts on the ground" in the West Bank where hundreds of serttlements and daily expansions, and hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers are, every day, precluding any viable Palestinian state.
Israel now negotiates with itself at its own "peace" table. Its move in Gaza was unilateral and to further its own agenda in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and Lebanon. Does anyone, except the Israeli public relations dept., believe that Gaza was a sincere gesture for peace? Israel has used incitement, manipulation, and assination until it gets a violent Palestinian response and then attacks with the full force of every weapon we have ever supplied to them. We supplied; the USA supplied either the death instruments themselves or the money to buy them.
Also, @ Irina
Regarding your defense of Mossad's clandistine killing al-Mabhouh in a Dubai hotel does not help. The Israeli policy of assination anywhere anytime does not encourage peaceful resolutions. When Israel kills it is always justified, defensive and necessary. When a Palestinian kills it is always a wanton act of terrorism. Fair?
As I have said, the fact "on the ground" infer the reasonable conclusion that Israel does not want peace. They want the land and they want all of it. The price, in blood, they are willing to pay and they believe the world owes them help in the retail (block by block) ethnic cleansing of a greater and greater Israel. It will take time. Israel is committed to taking that time and using that time creating more and more "facts on the ground" that will make any Palestinian state a joke.
Time to call the game over and stop all this pretense of peace. It is certainly not in Israel's interest to do this. Their "Don't ask, don't tell" policy hase been working just fine. It is we, the co-dependent enablers in the US who appease the Israeli government at an ever greater price in our own blood and treasure.
P>S. By being a critic of Israeli policy am I now to be viewed as an "enemy" and therefore as an "enemy" of Israel subject to being gunned down or poisioned in my own backyard by an international hit team from Israel's Mossad using Irish passports?
Dennis and Irina,
Thousands of Palestinian Christians in the occupied West Bank are not being allowed to attend the Easter week rituals in the old city of Jerusalem because all Palestinians in the territory have been banned by Israel from visiting the Holy city.
Nour Odeh reports from Jifna, a Christian majority village in Palestine - on how many of them are raising their voices against Israel's occupation, which continues to take away fundamental rights.