Video: Advertisements for Israelis to Fix the Image of Their Country

The Israeli Government has launched a campaign encouraging its citizens to represent the country abroad. Here is a clip from a video by the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and Public Diplomacy:
Reader Comments (4)
hundred palestinians for one israelian...
and now they are suprised why they are loosing support.
Please see http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3852485,00.html
good place to leave a comment, mine, summarized is, we are fed up with this everlasting stupid conflict, Abraham never existed and land is not divine, and for crissakes, get it over with. In fact, I'm sure many israelis would agree.
Regardless of the frustration that we all feel, the article that Yonaton linked to had one basic and fundamental truth in it
"The root of the Arab-Israeli conflict does not lie in the size of the state, but in the very fact of its existence."
A group of people believe that they have an ancient right of ownership to an area - another group believe that they have more recent claims of ownership. Who will decide??
Some indigenous peoples around the world do not even recognize the concept of ownership of land. They basically believe that they only care for it.
Complex beings - us humans.