Happy St. Patrick's Day from EA

St. Patrick's Day in
Music & Culture,
UK & Ireland

Reader Comments (14)
Long live the memory of all the heroes in the long struggle against British Imperialism in Ireland.
Patrick Pearse---
"They think that they have pacified Ireland. They think that they have purchased half of us and intimidated the other half. They think that they have foreseen everything, think that they have provided against everything; but the fools, the fools, the fools! - they have left us our Fenian dead, and while Ireland holds these graves, Ireland unfree shall never be at peace."
Never forget Bobby Sands.,+Tehr%C4%81n,+Iran&gl=us&ei=-e-gS6ePG86UtgeS7dXyBw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CAcQ8gEwAA
Long live the IRA.
Bobby Sands street:
Samuel, you've had your say now. Please stop trolling this post.
With all due respect how exactly is providing historical information relating to Ireland on St. Patrick's Day trolling?
This post is a fun video for St Patrick's Day. You had your say, added some more, then came back fifteen minutes later to say pretty much the same thing again- you were repeatedly making the same point.
Samuel, fighting the brits from the comfort of a mac in Dublin no doubt. Hardcore flicker photo! Long live the muppets!
as an irishman-I find samuels historical posts very much outtdated- here in Ireland ever since Omah .the majority of people have all moved on in the spirit of forgiveness and unity-at the end of the day most people cant resist love and unity-working together-some thing in irish we call Meitheal.
and back to Iran---- re the failed fire fattwah....
yes a Parthian shot-first of many ;)
certainly there were alot of greens out worldwide today-;)
so samuell-how are the Toulouse-Lautrec impersonations going??
Love and Truth
for each and every One
I have been to Ireland - lovely place and mostly lovely people. It is very pleasing to see the improvements in the country, both north and south in recent years.
I said mostly lovely people above - because, in my view, it is an unfortunate fact of life that there are some people whose hatred comes from past acts - these people just can't move on and leave their inner hatred behind. In Ireland - I am referring to those who march for an act that happened several hundred years ago. When will they ever forget it?
Same goes for our friend Samuel - he is constantly referring to past acts of history, while supporting similar despicable acts occurring in Iran today. If he was to put aside his need for vengeance for past acts - and spent his energies attempting reconstruction and reconciliation (including forgiving), as has been happening in South Africa and Ireland, then his country would benefit from him.
@Robinhood -
I love the Irish! Unlike Barry, everyone I met was friendly, happy, generous people. Even during our stay in Belfast it seemed most had moved from the past and looked forward to the future. We took a tour through Belfast and learned of the conflict that occurred. But even our tour guide, who by no mistake was a republican, spoke of the future and his hopes. It was warming to see, despite the years of differences, how the people could come together.
I did not say that Irish people were not friendly happy and generous,
I said that some could not forget the past - as happens in other parts of the world.
I refer to the "Orange" marches - here is an example of it still causing problems just this year
There are enough problems currently in the world that need fixing - without people hanging onto past acts that occurred 400 years ago.
Barry -
Nor did I say you made such a statement. I simply said my experience was different. While not an active oberver of Irish politics I am aware of the orange marches based on a limited amount of history I have read.
I certainly agree hanging on the past I inhibitive to moving toward the future.
In my estimation, Mr. Dunn's characterization of Samuel's post was accurate. He was trolling. I also agree with Barry that some have found the past difficult to escape and that future prosperity requires moving on - in Ireland as well as everywhere else. Having said all of that, I will be raising a glass to Paddy Pearse and the boys come Easter Sunday. And I mean no offense by it.
On to my original thought. It is so wonderful to see this clip. It seems like more carefree days when watching the Muppets was enough to make us forget about our own troubles and those of our brother's, and just smile for a second.
I must admit that although I'd read the term 'troll(ing)' before, I didn't know what it meant. So I went to Wikipedia and was amused to learn that it means "someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion".
Well, if the shoe fits, wear it :-)
Even more interesting is that other languages have adopted the English word "troll" to refer to Internet trolls:
Happy St Paddy's Day btw. Do you have St Patrick's Day parades in the UK like in the US?
OOPS! Was I just "trolling"?