Violent Semi-Peace: At least 22 Dead in Baghdad Bombing

Related Post: Baghdad as a "Walled Fortress Town"
Wednesday: Major General David Perkins tells reporters, "Attacks are at their lowest since August 2003. There were 1,250 attacks a week at the height of the violence; now sometimes there are less than 100 a week."
Thursday: "At least 22 civilians were killed and 38 other people were wounded Thursday in a Baghdad car bombing....A parked car bomb blew up near a bus station and a hospital in Shaab, a Shiite neighborhood."

Thursday: "At least 22 civilians were killed and 38 other people were wounded Thursday in a Baghdad car bombing....A parked car bomb blew up near a bus station and a hospital in Shaab, a Shiite neighborhood."
David Perkins,
Iraq in
Middle East & Iran

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